OS- Science Team

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(If there is no specific character, then I'll just put Science Team or something like that. I could have made this more of a scenario but I started writing in a one shot format so I just kept it.)
k/n - kid's name (you get to pick the name)
You stared in front of you with your mouth agape, your body frozen in place as your brain tried to process what you were seeing. You were told to scout ahead for the science team and report back if you found anything special. But how were you supposed to explain that you found a whole child just chilling in an empty office alone? Why was a kid in Black Mesa? Where were their parents? Questions flew through your mind as you tried to make sense of the situation.
"H-Hey there." You spoke, quickly putting your weapon away to appear unthreatening. The child pulled their legs up to their chest and tried to scoot away, only to remember that they were already pressed against the corner walls.
"I'm not going harm you." You reassured them, crouching down to their height and showing off your empty hands. You made sure to keep a good distance as well.
"What's your name?" You asked. The child hesitated to speak, clearly shaken from the whole cascade. They appeared to be unharmed and their clothes were in good condition.
"k/n." They stuttered out.
"k/n? That's a nice name. I'm y/n." You introduced yourself. The kid appeared to relax.
"Where are your parents?" You asked. The kid averted their eyes and you noticed tears forming in them.
"I-I don't know. Mommy told me to stay here where it's safe." They explained as they started to cry.
"Hey, hey. Don't cry. It's going to be fine. I bet she's okay." You reassured them, shuffling a bit closer to them.
"I wouldn't consider this room safe. How about we look for your mom? She can't be far from here." You explained as you examined the room. It was in better condition then some of the other offices you've stumbled across, but the door and vents were easily accessible. It wouldn't take long for the Xen creatures to find this place and k/n. You extended a hand to k/n. They stared at it in fear, but inevitably accepted it.
"We'll find her, right?" k/n asked as they stared at you with hope in their eyes.
"Of course. That's the plan." You responded as you led the child out of the room and retraced your steps, keeping your eyes peeled for the science team.
"Before we move forward, we need to meet up with a few of my friends. They'll help us on our search. Try not to freak out." You warned, worried about how the others would react to k/n. The kid nodded and gripped your hand tighter. It didn't take long for you to find the others due to their loud antics. Coomer was the first to notice you.
"Welcome back y/n and- child?" Coomer cut himself off as he looked at the new member in confusion. His sentence caught the attention of everyone else.
"Holy shit." Gordon muttered in shock, only to cover his mouth and apologize for cursing. The others stayed quiet until Benrey spoke up.
"You had a kid?" Benrey asked.
"Congratulations y/n!" Coomer praised, clasping his hands together.
"What? No. This isn't my kid. I just found them." You tried to explain. Coomer walked over to the kid and crouched down to their height with a bright smile.
"They are adorable. What's their name?" He asked as he pat the kid's head.
"k/n." The child said as he climbed to your leg, unsure of how to react to the overly friendly scientist.
"Dr. Coomer you're scaring the poor thing! Thing them some space!" Gordon scolded the older man, his fatherly instincts kicking in. He pulled Coomer away from k/n. Coomer was a bit disappointed but seemed to be understanding.
"So you found some filthy brat and decided to take them with you?" Bubby asked with a scowl.
"Isn't Tommy enough?" He continued.
"I-I'm 36." Tommy spoke up from the back of the group.
"My point still stands! We aren't babysitters." Bubby complained.
"Oh hush." Coomer complained about Bubby's complaining. This only set Bubby off as he started to throw insults Coomer's way. Coomer simply ignored most of it, only giving short responses and retorts which didn't help the situation. Gordon tried to calm Bubby down as Tommy pushed his way through the group and to you.
"Where are their parents?" He asked, the only one still focused on k/n.
"We don't know. They said their mom went somewhere and never returned." You explained.
"Aw. I'm sorry to hear that, k/n." He said as he looked at the kid with a sad expression.
"Don't worry. We'll help you fi-find her." Tommy stuttered out as he gave a reassuring smile. k/n seemed to relax at Tommy's claim and returned his smile. Once Gordon shut up the others, he walked in front of everyone and announced that the child would travel with the group until their parents were found. Tommy and Coomer seemed ecstatic while Bubby cursed under his breathe. Benrey was mostly unfazed by the change but continued to refer to k/n as your kid.

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