OS- Gman x reader

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(Security guard reader)
"Look who's late to work again." Josh mocked as he saw you walk into view.
"Bite me, Josh." You grumbled, quickly taking out your passport and showing it to your other friend and fellow security guard, Benrey. He examined the item with a dead expression before giving a simple thumbs up.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just try to take your job seriously please." Josh said with a serious expression.
"Like you take being a security guard seriously." You argued.
"Yeah. All you do is think about fruit loops and get pissed at people." Benrey spoke up for once. Josh glared at his friend as you broke into a fit of laughter.
"That's pretty accurate Benrey." You laughed. Josh huffed and shoved Benrey's helmet over his eyes.
"Shut it you." Josh was cut off when Benrey used his Black Mesa sweet voice to calm him down.
"Lighten up." Benrey said once he was done.
"Sure. Okay." Josh said back, now with a calm expression on his face. Someone from behind Josh cleared their throat, causing all three of you to stare at them. The person was a tall, slim man in a business suit with a suitcase by his side. His eyes appeared to have an odd glow to them, but you've seen weirder things working for Black Mesa.
"Can I help you, sir?" You stepped forward, knowing Benrey would only pester the man and Josh wasn't much of a talker when it came to strangers.
"Ah yes. I'm here to see my... descendant." The man spoke with a long pause and breathe before the word descendant.
"I'm sorry, what?" You asked, unsure if you should trust this guy. Benrey leaned towards you and whispered, "Ask if he has his passport."
"I doubt he has a passport." You whispered back, the conversation about passports seeming to have reignited Josh's previous frustration.
"I wish to visit my son. Dr. Tommy Coolatta." The man elaborates.
"Huh?" Benrey said. You and Joshed turned to look at him.
"You know a man named Tommy?" You asked him. Benrey slowly nodded.
"Tommy." The guard repeated.
"Good. Could you take me to him?" The man asked with a spark of hope in his eyes. You found this a bit odd due to his otherwise expressionless face, but you were somewhat used to that because of Benrey.
"Well, uh-" You tried to explain why he couldn't enter only to be cut off by Benrey.
"You can't go in without a passport, bro."
"Oh. In that case, could you tell him I'm here?" The man questioned. You, Josh, and Benrey all shared a look of concern before deciding it was fine.
"I guess." Benrey said as he turned on his heel and marched into the building. Josh glanced at the business man before whispering to you, "I don't like this guy. I'm going with Benrey."
"What? You're just going to leave your post?!" You scolded him as he marched after his friend with clenched fists. The door shut behind them leaving you and the man alone. You both stood in awkward silence before you decided to start a conversation.
"So you're son works here?"
"Yes. He just started working here... a month or so ago."
"Oh. That's nice." The hallway fell silent once more until you thought of another question.
"So what's you're name?" The man hesitated to answer this question, which put you on edge.
"Just call me Mr. Coolatta, or Gman if you will." He finally replied with a nervous smile.
"Okay..." You mumbled as you heard the door open once more.
'Thank god' You thought to yourself as Benrey and Josh reappeared with a scientist. The young scientist beamed at the sight of the man, or Mr. Coolatta, and ran towards him, arms extended. Mr. Coolatta gladly accepted the hug and temporarily put his suitcase down.
It didn't take long for Mr. Coolatta to become a familiar face around the facility. He often took breaks from his own job to visit his son Tommy and just see how things were going. He was even able to obtain a passport of sorts to appease you and the other guards. Despite your previous concerns, you and Mr. Coolatta started a friendship of sorts. You don't quite know how it happened, but you believe it had something to do with Benrey and Tommy becoming close friends. This caused you and Tommy to also grow close, although he looked up to you more as a guide especially around Black Mesa since you were older than him.
Anyhow, today was one of the many days that Mr. Coolatta, or Gman as you preferred to call him, showed up to Black Mesa for a quick visit.
"Greeting officer l/n." The tall man greeted you as he adjusted his tie.
"Hey Gman. I suppose you're here to see Tommy?"
"Of course."
"Alrighty then. Passport?" Gman fiddled with the pockets on his coat for a bit before a look of disappointment washed over his face.
"I left it in my other coat." He sighed as he looked at you with a tiny bit of hope. You glared back at him and thought the situation over before caving in.
"Fine. I'll let you in this once. Just don't let Benrey or Josh find you without your passport." You explained as you typed in the code for the door.
"Thank you l/n."
"No problem." Gman walked into the facility and you followed closely behind. He glanced over to you, clearly confused as to why you were leaving your post.
"It's company policy that we have to follow any guests entering the facility without a passport. You know, just encase they decide to steal or break something." You explain with a smile. Gman simply nodded and continued down the hall, making sure to walk at a pace that you could keep up with without needing to jog. You folded up your sleeve and checked your watch.
"Tommy should be on break right now." You explained right as Tommy walked out of the food court with a bag full of sodas he probably got from the vending machine.
"Hello Tommy." You both said in near unison. The scientist turned to the two of you with a grin.
"Dad! y/n! I'm s-so glad to see you!" Tommy exclaimed as he ran up and hugged the both of you.
"Tommy I saw you an hour ago." You explained as you nervously pat his back.
"It was such a long hour though." He whined as he pulled away from the hug.
"Hold on. What are you doing away from your post, y/n?" Tommy asked. You both knew each other's schedules well, so he knew you weren't on break. You were about to answer when Tommy cut you off by jumping up and down in excitement.
"O-Oh! Did you get to tell them? Did they say yes?" Tommy asked Gman with a huge smile on his face. Gman's face turned a pinkish hue as he tried to shush his son in a polite manner.
"What are we talking about again?" You asked as you crossed your arms, wanting an explanation of some kind. Tommy gave you a confused and somewhat disappointed look.
"So he didn't tell you?" Tommy asked.
"I- this isn't- uh-" Gman tried to come up with an excuse, but his mind couldn't think of anything convincing. Why was he so worried about your reaction anyway? Is was just a simple question. Gman sighed and hid his face in his free hand.
"I was going to save this for another time, but I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me?" He explained, sounding very unsure at the end and averting his eyes. You stood there in disbelief for a few seconds as you registered the sentence.
"Is... Are you asking me out on a date?" You questioned him.
"Preferably so but if you're uncomfortable-" He started to ramble until you cut in.
"Sure. A date sounds nice." You said with a smirk. Why not give it a shot? Mr. Coolatta didn't seem like a bad guy and it's been a while since you've dated anyone. Who's to say this couldn't work? Gman stared at you, a soft smile forming on his lips as Tommy jumped with joy once more.
(Sorry for the lack in updates. I know I've been ignoring requests but I'll try to get those finished along with a bit extra.)

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