09 | pick-up lines

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I will do this forever if I have to. I refuse to quit.

"Malfoy, sod off!" She paced away from him through the halls but he easily caught up with his long legs.

"Never," he smirked gleefully. He walked besides her, his shoulders bumping against hers every now and then.

"If I was a wand," he began with an evil grin, "I would've chosen you."

Hermione Granger shivered. Not in a way as if her heart had been overtaken by warmth and love. No, she shivered in a disgusted way that made her cringe from the awfully made pick-up lines of his.

"I think you're a dementor because I'd die if you kissed me."

She shook her head aggressively, ducking to hide her embarrassment from overhearing students that stared at them curiously. Draco didn't mind the attention, rather he enjoyed it especially since it gave a hilarious reaction from her.

You're so easy to tease, Granger. At least make it harder on me.

"Are you sure you're a muggleborn? You're nose is so magical even Voldemort would've been jealous."

He glanced at her for her reaction, and he felt pleased to see her biting her lip to stop herself from laughing.

"If I said 'Accio a hottie', you would've came right at me."

"Since I'm a Seeker, then you're my best catch."

"You must be a basilisk since I froze at the sight of you."

"I'm your house elf, I can do whatever you want without clothes."

She snorted and he just grinned, "Granger, are you enjoying this?"

Her face immediately turned into a frown as she looked up at him. "Absolutely not! You're still an annoying prat."

"Your reactions say otherwise," he smirked then continued:

"If you're a needle, I must've searched my whole life looking for you..." He paused. "In a haystack of your hair," he added with a snigger which earned him a hard punch to his arm.

"Ouch! Merlin, I guess you like it rough," he winked.

She scowled, "At least it isn't your nose."

"I can sacrifice my nose for the sake of your magical one."

"That- That doesn't really make sense."

"Because when I see you, my mind is under the obliviate charm and I forget what to say," he smirked which received him a slap on the arm with one of her fat books. "Stop being aggressive on me, Granger!"

"You deserve it."

"Why? Because it's working?"

"No, bloody hell no! Leave me alone!"

"If you wanted to be alone together we should've gone to the Room of Requirements," he winked again.

"Stop!" She groaned and hit her forehead against her books in frustration.

"I bet I can make you moan like Myrtle," he smiled mischievously at her, and then he leaned down towards her ear so only she can hear him. He whispered lowly, "And make you scream louder than a mandrake."

He laughed when he felt her small hands press against his chest to shove him away. He saw as she hid her burning face behind her curls and hugged her books closer to her, and he grinned amusedly.

"You must be my horcrux because you complete me."

"Are you a natural stunner or did you just stupify me?"

"The Sorting Hat spoke, it said I belonged to you."

"You don't need amortentia to make me love you."

She finally shoved her heavy books into his arms, and he almost fell at the sudden weight of it. "I'm done! Fine! You can take me out to the bloody ball! Don't think I'm not going to get you for this!"

And she marched over to her next class, her books still gathered in his arms. He was frozen on the spot and blinked at what had occurred. She said yes? Did Hermione Granger really just accept his proposal to the seventh-year ball? Did his plan really work? A happy grin grew from his face and he gazed in wonder at the girl who was marching quite angrily with her fist clenched and frizzy hair bobbing against her back.

She pivoted on her heels to turn around, a fierce glare on her face. "Well? Are you coming or not? We're going to be late for our class together!"

A permanent grin was kept on his face as he caught up to her. He gladly carried her books for her as a small token of gratitude for accepting him. He glanced at the corners of his eye, and he saw the faintest hint of a smile under her furious expression.

I knew it would've worked. No one can resist the Malfoy charm.

See you there,

Draco Malfoy

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