28 | linked minds dream alike

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Soft patters of steps rebounded from elaborate ceilings and intricately carved walls. It was quite empty, an unfamiliarity within the walls of the castle she called home during her teenaged youth. She found herself wandering aimlessly from corridor to corridor, searching for something and yet nothing.

It all began in Hogwarts. As it typically should, after all, it's a place of significance where life for me had changed.

Navigation was based on muscle memory. She didn't expect to see anything or anyone wherever she went. Each classroom was empty yet the tables were lined neatly stacked with books or used quills and parchment. Tables for professors weren't deserted, rather they were filled to the brim of untouched lesson plans and formulas of words she can name off from the top of her head.

She headed straight for the Gryffindor Tower. It was curious that she hadn't seen anyone yet. She felt morbidly alone in such a wide spans of land.

She slid into the red common room of her designated House and paid no mind that there wasn't an official door. There wasn't a portrait to block the entrance. Her mind eased at the familiarity of the cracking fire and the fresh scent of something so distinguishably Gryffindor. She plopped herself onto the scarlet couch, feeling warmth dance through her fingertips. She missed the place.

It was so quiet. There was no one, there was nothing. It was daunting, however the abnormal lack of people in the castle didn't feel threatening. It actually felt like clouds, where I felt free of problems and stress that hounds at me daily.

Her fingers lingered on the edges of the couch. She pondered the thought of exploring places of the castle she hadn't been to, something she'd been wanting to do in her years there if it wasn't for the idea of being caught by authorities and other students who loved to snitch.

She first went to the Ravenclaw Tower. Just like Gryffindor's, there wasn't a door. Until now, she hadn't had the chance to fully drink in the house she had nearly the most potential to be in if it wasn't for her stoutly attitude that got her into Gryffindor. She eyed the blue decor and walls that exuded excellence, past the sofas and tables piled with books. She felt just as much as home her as she did in Gryffindor.

She went past the kitchens next, into the Hufflepuff tower she never really thought about. It wasn't as bright and shiny as she assumed the room would be, instead it was a fair shade of yellow that oozed with energetic happiness. Her eyes fell upon little knickknacks and an untouched basket of food located on their desks. She felt a bit off at the yellowness of the room, nonetheless had a comforting feel to it.

Last was the infamous Slytherin common room, where she had put away all past resentment for the house and it's people. She had just as much curiosity of the appearance of the tower as she had with the other houses. She walked down the stone steps into the dungeon, her eyes widened at the green common room filled with upscale furniture she hadn't expected.

What shook her to the core though, was a tall man standing still in front of the dark green sofa. His hands were bunched in his pockets of his black slacks with the top half of his suit neat and tidy to the bone.

At her soft gasp, his gaze lifted up from the table he stared down at and deliberately reached to meet the startled eyes of hers.


You were there. I saw you, standing tall and firm in your suit you wore in sixth year. It was unbelievable; I hadn't seen you in years. And now... now I see you in this artificial castle of my dreams?

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