26 | biscuits and cakes

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Dear Draco,

How do you get a man something who already has everything?

For the past five hours, she had already scavenged the stores of Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. Popping into stores only to leave with an unsatisfied frown, she hadn't known the difficulties of buying a gift for the guy who was rich enough to buy anything.

The little trinkets she'd analyze on the shelves to the expensive rings and broomsticks meant little to nothing for Draco when he could buy himself an island.

There is so much pressure I've never anticipated. Why is it so stressful to search for a mere Christmas gift for a boyfriend of six months? It shouldn't be that hard.

Not only was he wealthy enough to buy anything he could ever ask for, but he had family who was equally as extravagant as he. Their gifts valued more than anything Hermione could ever give, and that made her become much more persistent in finding the perfectly unique gift that's worth as much as a single present from his father.

His father. The man he had looked up to in his younger years. She often heard him galavanting about and gloating the gifts his father gave. When he'd overhear anyone talking about how their mum made a charmed necklace or how their uncle bought them the latest broom, Draco would always have the need to trump theirs with his:

"Pfft, my father bought something way better than that piece of cheap junk."

"A Firebolt? What cheap rubbish is that? My father bought my team and I a Nimbus 3000."

"A gem necklace, you say? Looks to me like an unpolished pebble compared to this emerald heirloom my father gave me."

It definitely was hard. Plus with your high maintenance arse and your bragging from our younger years that was constantly replaying in my mind, I don't think settling for a paid gift was the best option.

Nothing she could buy could be worth enough riches for the likes of him. He was a Malfoy, prestigious and expensive. She didn't have the money to spend as so, and this fact would make her feel small the longer she ponders among the topic. Sometimes she didn't understand why the infamous Draco Malfoy would rather date her than a prettier, richer witch when she couldn't match him financially or appearance-wise.

An uncertain idea for a present materialized into her head after entering a bakery. Her mouth watered from the delicious scents of warm bread and biscuits as she ran a finger through the glass. It was then she decided to make her own gift for the pompous Slytherin of hers, one that was absolutely cheap but one made from the heart.

Although cake and Christmas biscuits aren't much of a gift, it's the thought that counts. I've already accepted that nothing I give would amount to your father's or your mum's. At least it would make your stomach happy.

She took the floo to the empty Malfoy Manor once finding supplies and recipes. Their wards were open to her and her friends ever since the Malfoys grew somewhat closer to the Potters and Weasleys, a truce that would've never been made of it wasn't for Draco and Hermione's trysts. Hermione was a frequent visitor of the Manor, as Draco would always owl her saying he's having an emergency.

"I have a case of the I-miss-you-itis." He'd pout, opening his arms for her to go in when Hermione would answer his owls. She would respond with a clipped scolding for faking an illness and his corny excuses, nonetheless would find herself encased in his arms on his bed.

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