Chapter Twenty- Three

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Jannick echoed my worried thoughts. "You can't be here. You're going to have to hide."

I nodded vigorously and frantically searched for a place to hide. There was nothing that stood out that could be an ideal hiding place, but I had to find something. My eyes darted to the drapes around the room and I quickly slipped behind one. Jannick gave a nervous glance in my direction and I crossed my fingers behind my back. There were so many ways this can go wrong.

Susan re-entered the room and announced, "All purples, to the sentencing ring."

At her command, a line formed, going back through the corridor and outside, towards the center ring with the four cliffs bordering it. I followed quietly at the rear of the line and once outside, concealed myself in one of the shrubs nearby.

Everyone else surrounded the ring; each banished division encircled one half of it. The banished black were already outside and situated in their crescent shape on the other side of the ring. The hoods on their robes were pulled up and they all maintained a menacing, eerie glare. Jannick stood with the purples across from them. Those in the purple slowly filled in their side. Susan walked to the center of the ring and with outstretched hands spoke in a level, but strangely authoritative voice.

"Welcome all to sentencing. As you all know, we have new anchors that have entered this realm. You probably have felt their presence."

Some of the creatures nodded in affirmation.

Susan continued, " As an anchor is presented, I will briefly inform you of the crimes that particular anchor has committed and then that anchor in question will stand before you to receive their judgement. Their fate is in your ever so capable hands. Let's begin."

She clasped her hands in front of her and turned to face the main corridor, expectantly. "Bring out the first anchor."

I wearily followed her gaze. A few seconds later, Melissa emerged from the shadows. Two guard-like creatures walked closely behind her. Melissa made her way to the center of the ring taking deliberate and careful strides. If she was nervous, it was impossible to notice. Her expression was smooth and neutral. Once Melissa took her place in the center, Susan called again, "...and the traitor?"

Shuffling was heard in the main corridor and Carlotta was shoved out of the entrance. The guards behind her wore angry looks. As I looked around from my place of safety, I noticed that those around the ring wore similar expressions. It was abundantly clear Carlotta was viewed more harshly, but that both her and Melissa would receive a sentence just the same.

I looked over at Jannick who couldn't contain his pained expression and I soon realized that I wore one too. It was so surreal to see my sister again, all the time knowing I could not go to her. I could not let her know that I was here and I was here to save her. Carlotta's gaze swept across the crowd of banished ones before her, stopping briefly when she spotted Jannick. Panic crept into her eyes subtly, but she did not linger on him long. Jannick stared back at her and I guessed he was trying to communicate that everything was going to be alright, that she needed to stay calm and put her trust in him.

Susan's voice boomed and called me out of my thoughts, "Melissa Coleman violated one of our most sacred rules. She revealed herself to her human sister and for that, her necessary banishment is to purple. Are we all in agreement?"

The circle erupted with cheers and a chorus of "yes!"

"Very well," Susan replied, "Kane, please escort Miss Coleman to the purple corridors."


The crowd parted and out stepped the orange beast, the same one that saved me from the fire. Of course! It all made sense now! Why he was always there, why he could mysteriously disappear, why he involved himself in my life, everything. He was part of the anchor world as a member of the banished. Around his bulky shoulders sat a black cloak. What did he do? Kane growled and took Melissa by the arm roughly. She yelped. I had to stop myself from leaping out of the shrubs to her aid. This would all be over soon. She would be safe soon enough. As Melissa was being dragged away, Susan turned her attention to Carlotta.

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