Chapter Seventeen

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I got up from the table abruptly and sprinted to the restrooms at the back of the restaurant.
"Jannick! Carlotta!" I screamed when I entered the ladies' restroom. Their names are rushed, desperation apparent in my voice.
All the stalls were vacant, but I wasn't certain that I would've stopped calling for them even if they had been occupied.  I was sick of being at supernatural wimbs and at this point, I didn't care to keep my emotions hidden.
It was so silent that I could hear the drip of a leaky sink and the noisiness of the restaurant chatter through the heavy door. I called once more for them and they finally answered my summon, appearing in their human forms in front of me. I breathed a sigh of relief and explained everything to them. Worried looks flushed over their faces and they soon elaborated what had them so worried. They told me Melissa was in trouble and they suspected whoever had a hand in it was out to torture me as well; it could have been what possessed Jack. I shuddered at this new information and they wasted no time telling me what needed to be done. First on the agenda was to get back home. From there, I would pack a bigger bag and they would explain the rest at a later time. A flight home so soon would raise questions that I wasn't yet prepared to answer, but I had to come up with something. Melissa's life, or existence, was on the line. I shuffled out the door back to our table. Dad had returned and he and Jack were in the middle of laughing very loudly. I wasn't sure if the real Jack had reappeared into his body, so I decided to sit back and feel him out.
"Hi sweetie, Jack told me he wasn't bothered by your statements. There's no question they were out of line, but if Jack can forgive you, so can I." He smiled and I did the same, but inside, I was blown away by his logic. He should forgive me because I'm his daughter, not because some fluctuating lunatic did first. Anyways, I allowed myself to be included into the conversation for a while as they reminisced about their high school years. After a while, I concluded  Jack was back because he recalled this information like he really knew it. To test my theory, I smiled slightly. As expected, he phonily returned the gesture. The real Jack was a real jerk, but at least he wasn't a torturous demon or something. 
I was relieved, though, to know that the real Jack inhabited his own body again. I wondered where he stayed during the time he was not in it. I wondered more about if he knew he had just been a host to something even more terrible than his personality.
My mind shifted back to the mission at hand; I had to get home. Rather than cause a scene or start a fight I'd have to apologize for later, I bended the truth a bit. Once we got back to the hotel, I told my dad there was no need for the separate room because I needed to go home and sort things out with Austin. It couldn't wait, I said, because Austin had been acting depressed lately and I didn't want to trigger anything tragic. He agreed to take me to the airport the next morning if I promised him I could have Austin give him a call soon. As he expressed his wishes for reconciliation between us, I realized that my dad wasn't some cowardly man that ran away if things got tough, he was a person pursuing his dreams, but still committed as ever to being a father. I scolded myself for ever thinking differently. It was in that moment that I also realized the importance of this trip. Although it'd been cut off short,  I needed it. It would take awhile for my dad and I to be on completely great terms again, but this was a step in the right direction.

The plane's engines were not louder than my inside screams. The low hum that filled the cabin was the only thing that assured me I was safe for right now. Inside my head I anticipated what was to come. Visions of whoever was terrorizing my sister came into view. Of all of them, I recognized only one face; Kane's. I shamed myself for jumping to conclusions, but he had been the only one to send me into great fear. Sure, I didn't know if he even knew about Melissa, but he seemed to know just about everything there was to know about my life, so it wouldn't be a surprise to me if he did.
Kane's face flashed out of my mind and a new face appeared; Anthony's. I shuddered at the likelihood of him. He had been behind the attack, so who's to say he wasn't the one behind this? He knew Melissa very well, as she had been his girlfriend, and he knew me; he was my best friend. But, then again, how could either Kane or Anthony get to Melissa? She was an anchor and they were human, so was ultimately impossible for them to harm her. This means that I was dealing with someone, something maybe, that I had never dealt with before; someone who could see anchor and also communicate with me. Another anchor? No, anchors were good, weren't they? They are supposed to guide us, but what if... I trailed off as I thought of something equally troubling. Jannick and Carlotta? Were they to blame? After all, they were the ones who brought this whole thing to my attention. Should I even trust them? Was it right to even be on this plane right now? All this questioning was exhausting me. I decided to take a break and get some sleep. Maybe I'd be able to think clearer with a hearty nap under my belt.
A flight attendant tapped me on the shoulder a couple hours later, shaking me out of my sleep.
"Miss, we've landed." She informed me and I looked around the plane and realized I was the only passenger left on it. Blinking, I nodded and opened the overhead compartment to retrieve my luggage. The duffel bag came down with a thud and my other bag tumbled down after it.  Shaking off the embarrassment, I thanked the flight attendants, saluted the pilot, and ran off the plane as gracefully as possible.
I stood at the curb for roughly twenty minutes. In that time, I watched a couple reunite, a mother leave her family for an all girls trip, and a son drop his father off so he could return home. As time passed, I started to wonder if anyone would come to pick me up. Was my mother that ashamed of me? Or worse, had my brother told her that he didn't want to see me again? I was relieved to see my mother's silver sonata pull up next to soon after. I pulled the trunk open and placed my stuff inside. Then, I walked around and slid into the passenger seat. I made sure to fasten my seatbelt before I spoke. Mom was all about safety first and I figured it would lessen the lecture if I for once followed her instructions before the car set into motion. She tapped the center consul in a slow, steady pattern. She didn't look at me once. I fiddled with the seatbelt strap to ease my nerves. After a while, I moved to the clasp on my purse, opening and closing it. It was deathly silent.
"So, um, dad says hi." I muttered nervously.
Her tapping ceased as she mumbled, "of course he does."
I cringed because apparently that had not been the appropriate conversation starter. I tried again.
"I got to visit the set."
I didn't understand why she was so mad that I came home earlier than planned. This father daughter trip couldn't have been that important to her, could it? I mean, she never visits him.
"He wants to hear from Austin mor-"
"Dang it, Natalie. Can't you just be quiet?"
I sank into the seat, wanting to disappear. I was scared because as mad as my mom was, I knew Austin's backlash would be ten times worse. We sat in silence for the rest of the ride home.
Very. Awkward. Silence.

Austin's light was on in his room, but his door was closed. Only for a moment did I think to knock on it. If he wanted to be bothered, he would've left it open. I trudged back into my room and clicked on the radio. I blocked everything out and decided I'd deal with it the next morning.

It was storming when I woke up, which ironically fit the day's circumstances perfectly. Right now,  It was as if the weather worked in harmony with my life. I heard my brother on the phone, talking with Lindsey, I assumed. I could hear the bubbly tone when he spoke. Remembering what had gotten me on his bad side, I recoiled the bitterness I knew I was on the brink off. Speaking of relationships, I realized that I sucked at my own. Although JJ and I were not official yet, I could feel it approaching. Of course, like I said, I really sucked at it, which reduced the chances of us making it official significantly. I just had so much else going on, so much that I wanted to clue JJ in on, but I couldn't. If he could know, maybe when I canceled brunch last Sunday, he wouldn't think I was a flake. Maybe if I had just one person on my side, I wouldn't feel so helpless. I wanted to call him and I would, right after I had a plan to rescue Melissa. That  was the reason I came home after all.
"Okay Natalie, we need to talk." Austin was standing in the doorway, just how he had when he greeted me after he got home the first time.
I nodded in agreement and really, I was elated. I needed my brother in this, even if he knew nothing about what was going on. He had the gift I told you about remember?
"Dad called," He started, "He told me to try to work things out with you as best as we could. I wasn't aware we were in that big of a fight."
My eyes grew wide. That was embarrassing.
"Don't worry, I played along." He reassured, "But now I'd really like to know what the heck is going on."
"I'd love to tell you Austin, but I really can't. "
You bet you can't.
Jannick's voice startled me, but I was sure it was barely noticeable. I'd gotten good at that. Austin's brows furrowed, anticipating an answer.
"You know I... well, you see I.." I stumbled over words, not a bit convincing.
Austin folded his arms.
"Natalie Christine Coleman you better tell me right now or..."
Austin's cell phone rang and for once, I was glad Lindsey was on the other end. Talk about being saved by the bell.
Or maybe I wasn't. Austin covered the phone with his hands.
"This isn't over, Missy."
He slinked out the door and the bubbly tone started again.
"Jannick," I called since he had been the one inside my head.
He started to materialize before me, bearing an unsettling look.
"Where's Carlotta?" I asked, automatically.
"She's gone to update us of Melissa's condition. She can't get close, but she can still see what's happening."
"Why can't she get close? How will she know if it's her when she's never met her."
"It isn't easy, and we can see what she looks like through your thoughts." He answered simply.
Rather than question it, I decided to ask something else.
"What's wrong? Why do you look so worried?"
"I always worry when she is alone."
The answer, as vague as it was, had to do for now. There was no use moving forward with an action plan if they didn't know what they are dealing with. I needed a new way to occupy myself and to avoid Austin. Staying true to my word, I decided to call JJ to show him I was still very committed to the relationship. The phone rang and rang and rang. I was afraid he wouldn't pick up and I'd have to try again later. I didn't want to bug him with constant calling. Fortunately though, he picked up. However, he didn't seem all there. It seemed as if something else occupied him.
"Is this a bad time?" I asked.
"No! I always have time for you." He gushed, "How is New York?"
I felt myself blush at his previous comment when I answered, "Um, I'm not in New York anymore."

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