Chapter 9

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It's been a month since you've seen Pietro. You began to worry if he'd ever make it back.

He called two weeks ago and that was the last time your heard from him. He filled you in about what he was doing and the guys at the mansion and how everything was going.

He seemed to be enjoying himself and he liked making new friends and using his abilities for something other than stealing.

The days seemed to be getting longer and longer and you grew more worried each day.  But today was a bit different.

You were closer to graduation and even closer to spring break.

Usually the idea of spring break excited you but with all this free time and no Pietro you were contemplating picking up extra shifts at work to preoccupy your thoughts so you wouldn't worry too much.

You waved goodbye to Morgan and Allyssa and hopped in your car and drove home.

You came home to a  medium sized box on your bed tied with a pretty blue bow. You cocked your head to the side.

You screamed as you heard the box move.

You hesitantly stepped toward it as it moved again. You grabbed the box untied the bow and was about to take off the lid when it popped off by itself.

And there looking at you was the cutest greyhound puppy you've ever seen.
You picked it up while he sniffed you.

"Aren't you the cutest widdle thing ever?!" You said to the dog " but where'd you come from?"

You grabbed the letter taped to the inside of the box before placing the dog on the bed.
'This is Speedy Petey. He's a pretty fast dog. Actually greyhounds are the fastest dogs in the world. So he'll be pretty fast but not faster than me. I know you said you loved dogs but you never got around to getting one so here you go! A cute dog to remind you of me cause after all men are dogs right? Anyways, I heard spring break was coming up soon so I also got you this! Turn to the back now! Please:)' you flipped over the letter to see a plane ticket to New York. You gasped and flipped the letter over to continue reading. ' I figured since you had time off from school you can take time off from work too and come see me. And bring speedy of course. I really miss you out here. Even when I'm surrounded by people I still feel lonely. I need you here with me. Even only if it's for a few days. I won't feel so empty, plus I get to show off how gorgeous you are. I really hope you'll come. I love you Mrs. Maximoff and I'm impatiently waiting for your reply.'

You placed the letter on the bed and picked up Speedy.

"Well Petey. I don't know about you but I am so ready to go to New York."

Speedy adorably cocked his head at you and gave you a small bark.

You plopped back on the bed and held onto him and fell asleep.

A few hours later you were woken up by your mother entering the house and calling for you.

You sat up and rubbed the tiredness out of your eyes and ran down to greet her.

"Hey mom. You're home early." you said cheerfully.

"I know. I was feeling crappy for not being home much this week."

"You dont have to. I know you work a lot. Yeah i wish you were here more but you cant help it. I know you would be here more if you could."

She smiled and nodded.

"Lilly. Quick question." she said.

"Yeah mom whats up?"

She pointed to something behind you."What's that?"

You turned around to see Speedy strutting around observing his new home.

"Ohh. You see..." you trailed off.

She raised an eyebrow.

"He's my new dog. Pietro got him for me since I always talked about getting a dog but never really got one so he thought it would comfort me while he was away and stuff." You spoke fast.

She fought a smile. "Pietro did huh? You know I've only met him once for like 10 minutes. He seems like a sweet boy. When are you going to invite him for dinner?"

"He's actually out of town. For business?" you said not really sure what to tell her. "He doesn't know when he'll be back. Which reminds me of something. PietroBoughtMeATicketToNewYorkForSpringBreakSoICanSeeHim." you sped through nervously not really knowing how she'd react.

"Lilana I dont know."

"Mom please. I miss him so much. And besides he already bought the oh so expensive nonrefundable plan ticket."

She gave me a small glare. "Lilly-"

"Please mom. Im 18. I can take care of myself please say yes."

She silently studied you for a second. "Fine."

You squealed and excitedly jumped around with Speedy in your arms.

"But!" she interjected your celebration session. "You need to give me the address of where you're going and call me every day. Do you understand?"

You kissed her cheek,"Of course mother dearest."

She smiled and you ran up to your room to begin packing.

A/N: I have no words to describe how terrible I am! I've been literally stressed to the max this past month and a half not to mention I had thee worst birthday yesterday but excuses excuses excuses. I'm sorry this is so short. I don't even know if this qualifies as a chapter. I know, I hate me too. I will try my best to update soon. Thanks for reading and voting and commenting please continue and share if you care. Smooches!

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