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We zoom in the federation where the soldiers of the federation are fighting the usa and ghosts and are lead by blagoj and logan are opening fire you may be wondering  why is logan fighting on the federation side lets recont that shall we 


it all started when logan was captured by rorcke where he was tortured as they continued the torture of logan the leader himself blagoj had enough of rorcke and entered the  cell and said this 

Blagoj:enough rorcke he had enough 

Rorcke:you arent the boss of me to tell me what to do Blagoj

Blagoj:enough draws his desearth eagle and shoots rorcke in the chest 

Rorcke:damm you okay i  will stop 

Blagoj:now leave or else rorcke leaves the only ones in the room are Blagoj and Logan

Logan:why did you shoot him in the chest and why did you order him to stop 

Blagoj:its simple Logan im a man that doesnt tolerate torture for someone like you Logan 

Logan:ok but still what did you came here to ask me 

Blagoj:i came here to find out how did we the federation were losing the war and to find out that you and your brother hesh along with your father and the ghosts were stoping us i came here to aks you to join us before

 you say no let me show you something he showes him a video of the ghosts and his brother hesh killing civilians 

including men and women and children which made logan cry to see his teamates doing this seeing his emotions blagoj hands him some tissues to clean himself now do you believe me logan

Logan:i believe you know what do you want me to do Blagoj

Blagoj:its simple seeing that we the federation are losing the war i built a portal to take us to a diffrent world far away from the usa and the ghost also rorcke has become nothing than a nosence which i plan to give him to the ghost as a gift also i have a suprise for you guard open the cell 

Guard:yes sir the door is open and logan is suprised to see riley his dog healed and alive then riley rushes towards logan licking him and this made logan happy 

Blagoj:so will you join us logan 

Logan:yes i will join you i only ask that my father and brother are spared and rorcke pays the consequences 

Blagoj:then we have deal and with that logan joins the federation side and helped them beat the usa back and the ghosts 

Flashback Ends

we zoom as the federation army are fighting the usa to keep them away from the portal which will activate soon 

federation commander :open fire keep them at bay men 

federation soldiers :sir yes sir

usa commander :take cover men we need to push them back

usa soldiers:yes sir for the usa 

we zoom as both sides are fighting on land federation tanks rocket lauchers and apc are making the usa army life difficult in the skies the usa air force even techologicly powerful were losing many pilots to the federation ace pilots 

federation ace pilot:target acquired fox two shoots a usa f 15 eagle out of the skeis i have a boogy behind him get rittiof him 

federation:ace pilot got him fox three targets are down we zoom on the naval side where the federation navy are keeping the usa navy and inflicting heavy casualties 

at the same time logan and blagoj are fighting the ghosts led by hesh and logan father with blagoj facing logan father 

blagoj:well  well did you really think you can invade the federation and defeath us easialy huh ghost 

ghost:i still cant believe it if we take you down we will win 

blagoj:you will try report sir its ready good work haaaaaaaaaa you are too late we have already dissapeard

 then without warning a large portal appeard sucking the entireanly of south ameirica and with that the usa and ghosts are shocked when one soldiers found rorce captured and beaten along with a leather 

signed by logan and blagoj seein this hesh was crying a bit his brother told him why he joined the federation and seeing the traitor rorce they decide to execute him so ends the usa federation war at the sametime 

we zoom in the azur lane where the federation of americans and its armed forces have ended in this world seeing the azur lane and crimson axis war and the sirens blagoj told them this

blagoj:my people of the federation we have entered a new world we shall showed these nations and shipgirls how we take care of our own affairs and if they attack us we will show no mercy to them 

logan:nice speach blagoj so whats the plan 

blagoj:for now we prepare our economy militiary and for you i will have a special task once we show ourself to the world 

logan:as you wish blagoj you got  that riley

riley:his dorg barks 

and with that the azur lane will face a new enemy alongside the sirens and the crimson axis they are the federation of americas and this time they will sucseeded with their mission being the destruction of the eagle union and the azur lane