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We zoom in the skies where thousand of federation cargo planes are flying in the skies escorted by their jet fighters in one of them 

are blagoj and logan and the brainwashed ships as they were flying we zoom in the seas of the eagle union navy are being wiped out by the federation navy on the ground the federation army from the occupied terrotories are

 advancing and showing no mercy as the cargo planes are under attack blagoj gave their mission

Blagoj:ok our mission is simple shut down the enemy defences execute kill or capture order on enterprise and finishe the rest of them

Logan:i vote capturing them all so they can become our pets 

shipgirls:same here we agree along with them are ash and ember 

federation pilot:sir we been hit bail out 

Blagoj:come on lets go as they jumped the rest of the federation elite forces as they were flying and avoding the aa guns and some of them are shoot down while the rest of them have landed and are begining their assault

Blagoj:all squads report in 

federation squad a:this is alpha squad we secured the docks and florida and and the rest of the south is ours 

federation squad b:this is bravo squad we have taken the midwest and east are ours 

federation squad c:this is charlie we have taken controll of the rest of the east coast instead of washinghton dc has been turn into a fotress 

Blagoj:understood this is blagoj to odin and loki prepare to target washington dc 

we zoom in space  where odin and loki are preparing to fire on washington dc 

federation astrounats:prepare to fire loading weapon target confirmed washington dc 

federation astrounat :fire the wrath of god fire the weapon from odin and loki are fired and are aproaching washington dc as the federation army leave the weapon hits wipeing out dc the shipgirls of the eagle union 

watch in horror as the federation wiped out one of their largest cities and capital but before they can leave they are ambushed by blagoj and logan forces and enteprise along with her sister yorktown are facing blagoj and logan and it went like this

Blagoj:so the famous grey ghost there wont be anywhere left for you to hide as her right arm was broken and her legs gave up you made a hell of a shipgirl but thats not going to happen we are goind to destroy the rest of them and you will be my pet forever 

Enterprise:screw you i wont become your pet 

Blagoj:oh you will soon enough she was knocked down at the sametime logan knocked down yorktown and she was taken by logan

Logan:so the war is over isnt it blagoj

Blagoj:yes it is logan now come one its time to make them our pets

Logan:yes sir lets go 

we zoom in later in the federation where enterprise is tired from her long makeout session with blagoj once arriving in the federation both her and her sister were taken to the torture chamber and their minds were broken to serve blagoj and logan and after that they had a long makeout session with their masteres 

Blagoj:how are  you  doing dear

Enterprise:im  fine love i missed you  she grabs him and kisses him

Blagoj:so ready for round three dear 

Enterprise:oh yes love make sure that i cant walk tommorrow 

Blagoj:sure dear as they continued their makeout session in the night we zoom in logan room where he is thinking of what had happened still he made the right choise to join blagoj federation he already have girfrieunds and the rest of them becoming his pets

Logan:hmm i wonder where is yorktown he didnt have to wait for her she arrived with her new outfit

Yorktown:do i look good master in this uniform

Logan:oh you do look well he grabs her and puts her on bed and kisses her making her moan

Yorktwon:make me your master ravage me 

Logan:oh i will dear 

and with that the war between the azur lane and the federation and the crimson axis ended with a federation victory one thing is certain the azur lane is no more and the sirens are nothing more than pets to blagoj and logan this is true  victory 

vote and comment and remember or you will be tortured no im serious you will die