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We zoom in the azur lane base where the shipgirls and their commander have been getting reports of  a this new nation known as the federation of americanos and its leader blagoj who was building a huge army and preparing his forces in case war breaks between the eagle union and the federation and azur lane 

Commander:now i know what we are here to discuesed about this nation known as the federation on how to deal with them any ideas girls 

Enterprise:i propose we kill the leader or have him assasinated commander

Commander:that wont work enterprise this leader of the federation blagoj has evaded all assasinations attemptes even worse the spyes and assasins were sent back to the homelands in pieces with their bodyes and a warning to the leaders that wont work

Belfast:how about we negoatiote with the leader Blagoj will that work 

Commander:i dont know belfast if that will work then we need to send several of the shipgirls and leaders to meet the leader who do we send 

Enteprise:how about myself my sister laffley washington arizona baltimore and carolina to meet him

Commander:that could work hoever you wont be going alone in there the royal navy will be coming along with you enteprise but who to send 

Belfast:master i propose we send king gerge v duke of york shiefield and victorious to meet him 

Commander:that could work okay starting tommorrow you are going there to meet the leader of the federation blagoj 

Enterprise and Belfast:as you say commander littile did they realzie in the skies a federation uav was recording everything and send thing this to blagoj 

We zoom in the federation where blagoj and logan along with his dog riley are observeing the recording along with his commander with blagoj saying this 

Blagoj:it appears the azur lane will be sending several shipgirls to negotiate with us tommorrow we will prepare for their arrivial and showed them that we wont be blind so easly to their promises do you understand 

federation commander:yes commander we understand 

Blagoj:good dismissied you are exept logan you stay so did you sucseded in your mission 

Logan:yes i did blagoj the ironblood and the sakura empire have agreed to join forces with us 

Blagoj:good and how goes project rebirth

Logan:its going so well we will have our own wisdom cubes ready for testing on us for us to use riggings in combat 

Blagoj:good logan you are dissimissed 

Logan:yes sir logan leaves with his dog  riley 

while blagoj was left alone in his office loaking at the city and with him saying 

Blagoj:soon the war will begin with him having an evil smirk waiting for the grey ghost enteprise to be captured and turned to serve the federation at the same time he loocked in the city where federation day begins celebrating the formation of the federation of americas and the soon total defeat of the azur lane and their nations at the hand of the federation of americas and with that blagoj went to bed preparing for tommorrow the meeting begins 

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federation uav drone