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We zoom in europe where the ironblood and its allies along with the federation are preparing operation barbarosa

 a full invasion on the northern parlament the one commanding the invasion force are logan and bismarck and they talked before the invasion begun it went like this 

Logan:so this is the final nation to fall once they are down the rest of the azur lane will fall like dominios isnt that right bismarck

Bismarck:yes you  are correct on that also how do you like your new pets logan

Logan:they are good and they scream my name and are easy to brake and making them all i want mine 

Bismarck:nice i belive its time Logan

Logan:begin the operation commander 

Federation Commander:yes sir you hear him men begin operation barbarosa for the federation

Federation soldiers pilots and naval commanderes :for the federation and so begun operation 

barbarosa where the northern parlament were caught of guard and are instantly pushed back to their terrotories are falling under the crimson axis and the federation as the winter begun they equiped their winter clothing for this battle as the invasion continues the northern parlament are resisting 

Logan:report men how goes the advanced 

federation soldiers:sir they are suffering heavy casualties already the baltics ukraine have fallen under our control as for our forces managed to capture the naval yards and militiary bases and airfields for our cargo planes  transports are  to bring more troops we already begining the siege of lenigrad and stalingrad they will fall soon commander

Logan:good continue the assault pilots report how goes the air war 

Federation pilots:sir we eliminated their air capabilities and are already shoot down from the skies

Logan:good naval commanderes report 

federation naval commanderes:sir many of the shipgirls have been captured and their naval yards are ours 

federation soldiers:sir we managed to capture stalingrad and lenigrad hoever the northern parlament have established a strong defensive round across moscow it will take mouths to take the city unless we use odin or loki since they are completed logan

Logan:this is logan to odin and loki command do you read we need you to fire at this cordinates at moscow 

Odin and Loki:copy that command target acquired fire at will we zoom in space where the federation odin and loki are preparing to fire and the federation astrounats said this

federation astronauts:fire the wrath of god yes sir fire the weapon fires as it reaches moscow the city is wiped out and the northern parlament are forced to surrender one thing is certain the war in europe and asia 

are over now is the time to finish the rest of the free world nations such as the royal navy and eagle union and to capture ash and ember once and for all one thing is certain once news spereads

 to the azur lane of this weapon they will live in fear of odin and loki will still strike in their nations will be wiped out one thing is cetrain this war will end with the crimson axis indonesian confederancy and federation of americanos victory soon this war will end and the world will be divided between both sides

vote and comment or odin will fire on the usa im serious if you dont the usa will be no more