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We zoom in the federation where blagoj and logan along with the brainwashed shipgirls are standing inside the torture room where ash and ember have been finally caught when they attempted to attack the atlas ring only for the federation elite soldiers to defeat them and capture them and were brought here in order to be tortured and broken to serve the federation and it went like this 

Blagoj:you two have been causing me nothing but problems and always running did you think im a fool not to employ extra troops to guard the atlas ring from any intruders well here we are your game is over ash and ember you will be serving the federation forever and this time your enterprise from the past will become my pet 

Logan:i agree with blagoj on this did you think you can escape so easily and cause problems for the federation we were well ever of you causing problems when our soldiers were attacked by two shipgirls being you im sorry to say this  there wont be no escaping this time and you will become our pets 

Aah:i would rather die than to become your pet even if you defeat the eagle union and azur lane the people will rise against you 

Ember:i agree they would tolerate a dictator like you who is controlling all of the world 

Blagoj:haaaaaaaaaa very funny dear you forgot one thing i follow the will of the people and the people will be given a choise join me and they will be rewarded do not join me i will leave you alone it doesnt matter your time of waging war on the sirens is over now you will become our pets to obey us and this time you will have no free will 

Logan:i agree with blagoj the sirens are no more once we finish the eagle union the whole world will bow before us as for you ash im going to make you scream untill you will follow the federation did you think for a second you can kill my men i been with them serveing in this whole war im sorry to say this you lose

Ash:screw you id rather die than to become yours logan

Ember:same as me id rather die than become your pet blagoj

Blagoj:too bad you lost activate the poison gas 

federation scienciest:yes sir the gas is activated and ash and ember trie to resisted the gas but hoever even with their strong will they pass out from the gas seconds later they awake to see both blagoj and logan smilling an evil smile at this at long last ash and ember are no more shipgirls to fight the sirens or help enterprise now they are nothing more than pets to serve their masters 

Blagoj and Logan:who do you serve ash and ember tell us 

Ash and Ember:you masters our mind and bodyes are yours 

Blagoj and Logan:shall we go to our rooms 

Ash and Ember:yes master as they left for their rooms with the brainwashed shipgirls they had a huge makeout session with the shipgirls which they lasted 200 rounds one thing is certain with ash and ember no more only enterprise remains to fall and once she falls the whole eagle union will fall under the federation control

vote and comment people or you will be tortured by the federation no im serious if you dont we are going to die