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We zoom on the coast of france where logan and his forces are preparing for operation sea lion along with him is blagoj 

and the brainwashed royal  navy shipgirls and the eagle union including hornet duke of york monarch king george v 

washington north carolina and so before the operation begun they planned it this time operation sea lion will sucseded this time 

Blagoj:its time board the cargo planes we will begin the invasion by air and sea attacked with our wingsuit

Logan:copy that you got that girls

Brainwashed shipgirls:copy that lets go 

Blagoj:lets go as they boarded the cargo planes took off from france lets skip a bit 

we zoom in the royal navy are preparing their defences for the battle of britain begins hoever this time it will fail 

federation pilot:sir we are aproaching the drop zone get ready 

Blagoj:copy that anywhey our mission is shut off the communicatios execute kill or capture order on queen elizabeth and secure the docks for our amphibious assault 

Logan:i vote taking her allive and copy that

Brainwashed shipgirls:copy that lets go are we ready

Blagoj:ready go as they jumped from the cargo planes the skies were liated with aa gun fires as they evaded the fire they sucsesfully landed and begun slaughtering the royal navy army and navy have been crippiled in their attack

Blagoj:all forces report in 

federation squad a:this is alpha squad we secured the airfields were bringing tanks and armored vehicles and rocket lauchers and aa vehicles 

federation squad b:this is bravo we managed to secure the docks our vessels are making the amphibious assault 

Logan:good work continue your job 

at the sametime we zoom in london where the freed shipgirls of the royal navy led by queen elizabeth are watching as their nation is invaded by the federation and are shocked and horrified on how much damage the entire city suffered they are sent a message to surrender 

Warspite:your majesty it might be better to surrender then to fight and lose our main capital city like how the northern parlament lost moscow 

Prince of wales:i agreed its better to surrender than die 

illustrious:same here your highness this time we lost the war blagoj outsamrted us and defeated us and with many of our comrades under his control its better to surrender then to die 

queen elizabeth:wery well attention people of the royal navy from this day forward we surrender to the federation and the crimson axis we only asked that our people are spared and our nation is left alone 

Blagoj:this is blagoj of the federation of americanos we acept the treaty we will leave you along on one condition you will leave the azur lane and will not help the eagle union 

queen elizabeth:we acept blagoj and with that wide chears broke across the federation and the crimson axis the royal navy have

 surrended there is only one more nation left to defeat and also blagoj and logan 

have received good news that ash and ember have been captured attempting to attack the atlas ring and have been 

placed in the torture room in order to be broken their bodyes mind will and  soul will be broken by both blagoj and logan one thing is certain this war will end with a federation indonesian and crimson axis victory the whole world will be ours  for the federation 

vote and comment people on this or america will be invaded by the federation know im serious if you dont we will all die for the federation