I'm sorry about the video, but it's hilarious I swear.
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Two muscled arms wrapped around my middle and I jumped in surprise.
I was just in one of the many lessons I had about learning about Jappon and it's lifestyle, etiquette, politics, and city's. The Emperor figures I should learn a thing or two before I become queen.
Little does he know that I have zero intention of being Empress.
A chin rested on my right shoulder and I felt a tickling sensation of his breath on my neck. Rin has taken up a habit that included hugging me every chance he got. We had gotten closer after I had requested training in martial arts from him.
We spent every week practicing and I had even passed out of tiredness with him on the ground, only to wake up in my bed the next day. Cain was a some sort of caretaker, and was extremely caring when it came to looking after myself. He always reminded me to do self-care stuff, like wash myself, take a short break, rest.
But now it was time to head to York New City (YNC), And Rin had come to tell me that it was time to go.
"Aiko...I'm glad you chose me to come with you. I will serve your highness well." He mumbled into my ear.
Me and my father had agreed that I could only go to YNC if I took at least two strong people with me as bodyguards. He didn't want me going anywhere alone after the kidnapping and he seemed to forget I was a full-fledged hunter.
I immediately chose to bring Rin and Cain with me, as they where the persons I was closest to in Jappon, and my father trusts them deeply. He said that they will be good servers.
I didn't particularly like that fact that everyone thinks that I am higher than them, and that they are servers and servants. I just wasn't raised that way.
"Aw come on, you really think I wouldn't?," I chuckled. "And I hope you do or I might just have to report to dad that your a lasy-ass."
Rin whined and playfully hit my hand. I then gently shoved him off and stood. Grabbing my things, I took a last glance at the room.
My bags where made of three hard-cased, medium suitcases and a small handbag that I could wear on my back. A pair of earbuds, my phone, a lolypop, and extra necessities.
I had received a mountain of presents from higher-ups, like generals and people running the country. They gave me all the high end, expensive, popular and trendy things they could find. Including my new phone, laptop, DS and many more, also clothing ect.
I wore a losely fitting shirt, a large zipper hoodie that I stole from Rin over it, with a short cute skirt and knee high socks with a pair of Vans. A black choker around my neck and a matching pair of black earrings as my accessories. ( the pic is above^^ this is similar to how I imagine it. Imagine the skirt as a tennis skirt though)