Part 3

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Next morning

(Meredith and Andrew fell asleep on the couch last night.)

Andrew noticed someone standing next to him. He opened his eyes and looked into three questioning faces.

"Mommy said, you wouldn't sleep on the couch anymore." Ellis mentioned as she grabbed his arm and tried to pull him off the couch.

Andrew had to smile, it was obvious that Ellis wasn't strong enough to pull an adult off a couch, but he wanted her to believe she could, so he played along and was slowly moving to the ground. Zola and Bailey both started laughing at the scenario in front of them.

When he was finally completely on the carpet in front of the couch, he got up and patted Ellis on the shoulder saying "You are very strong"

Ellis believed him and a big smile appeared on her face.

"How's your arm?" Andrew asked Zola after he turned back to her and Bailey.

"I can't sleep on my left side, but otherwise I'm fine…Why aren't you in Mommy's room?" Zola was curious.

"We were up very late last night and I think we fell asleep here" Andrew answered, then he added "Do you need something from your mom?"

"No, I think we should let her sleep then" Zola suggested smiling.

"Okay then let's go to the kitchen. I'll make you something for breakfast." Andrew stated.

"Can you carry me on your shoulder's? It's so funny to be so high up. One day, I want to fly in a plane. Then I can see the whole world." Bailey asked excitedly.

"Of course" Andrew helped Bailey to get on his shoulders and then followed Ellis and Zola into the kitchen. When he stood in front of the kitchen island he dropped Bailey there. Then he added in a whisper "Don't tell your mom, you were up here"

He saw that Zola was already busy setting the table so he asked "What do you want to eat?"

"Cereal" all the kids answered. Andrew knew the question was unnecessary, but he wanted to be sure. He got the cereal and the milk and then sat down at the table with the kids.

While Andrew helped Ellis to give milk to her cereal, Zola ascertained "Can we go to the ice cream parlor at the weekend?"

"I know something better, we can make homemade ice cream" He answered, looking in three very happy faces.

"Can we make chocolate and strawberry ice cream?" Zola inquired excited.

"Yes, we can" Andrew answered then he looked at the clock and realized that the time passed very quickly. "I need to wake your Mommy now, so she won't be late for work. Can you get ready for school? I'll drive you."

"Okay" Zola answered and took Ellis and Bailey upstairs with her.

He stood up to make himself a coffee, before he was going to wake Meredith up. He got lost in his thoughts for a moment. He felt lucky that the kids had accepted him so quickly, that he was able to spent so much time with them and Meredith. He was happy about every single moment with all of them.

He finished his coffee and went over to Meredith, who was still sleeping on the couch.



Meredith wasn't sure if she was dreaming or if someone was actually talking to her.

"Mer… Good Morning. You really need to stand up. It's already very late"

Now she was sure, she wasn't dreaming. She almost jumped off the couch, that was when she realized they had fallen asleep there last night.

"What time is it?" She asked hastily.

"Don't panic. Your kids already had breakfast and are almost ready to go. They are really independent... I'm going to bring them to school and daycare, so you have enough time to get ready for work"

"You won't be able to get your coffee, before your shift starts"

"Really Mer, the coffee, I already had one, you have a coffee machine, remember?" Andrew teased her and had to smile by the confused look on Meredith face. He knew she just got up and wasn't really awake yet, but he loved it when she was confused, even if it was only for a moment. She was usually a person who wanted to know what was going on and she definitely didn't like it when things were out of her control.

She knew Andrew enjoyed her confusion, normally she would pretend she wasn't, but he had done so much for her lately so she just let him have this brief moment.


Andrew was about to leave the house to bring the kids away when Meredith stopped him "Wait…"

"What?" he turned to her.

"Thank you" She whispered and then kissed him goodbye. It was a short kiss, but she couldn't wait with this till the evening.


At the hospital

Andrew was on Alex's service. They were standing in the hallway, when Meredith entered the hospital. On her way there she stopped by at Andrew's favorite coffee stand.

She walked over to them and handed Andrew the coffee "Hey"

"Didn't I tell you that I already had one this morning?" He responded, but was actually very happy about the coffee.

"I know you like this one much better than the one from my very old coffee machine" she said with a big grin on her face.

"You just know me too well" he smiled at her as he left, giving her a sign that he had to go.

"So, you still have the coffee machine, that noone ever liked? And what do I have to do to get a coffee?" Alex teased her.

"Yes, I have. He brought the kids to school and daycare. How is Jo?"

"Better I think. You know I can bring them to school and daycare, too"

"You really want that coffee, huh?"

"I could really need it. So are you two living together?"

"I don't know. Not officially, but it feels like we are. He spent the last two weeks at my place and the kids even managed to persuade him to tell them a story about Italy every evening… I somehow wonder how many stories he can tell them, I mean, it is his hometown, but he came here when he was 5. I don't have that many memories of this time."

"Or you don't want to remember that time? You know what parents can do to us…"

"So Jo isn't fine?"

"I'm not sure. We talk again but it feels different."

"You have to give her time. She can't just continue with her life like nothing happened. And you know that. She'll come to you!"

"I know" He sighed.

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