Part 8

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Carina and Andrew.

(Meredith had to leave to get home to her kids.)

"Do you want to tell me what happened, too?" Carina asked curious.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Italy?" Andrew avoided to answer her question.

"I'm working here. I just went back there for a few weeks, because of our father. And I'm glad to see you, too" she answered a little offended.

"How is he?"

"Not worse than he was before... How are you?" Carine inquired again.

The answer wasn't satisfactory. He wasn't sure if he should be relieved or worried. But when he was honest, it could have been worse. His father wasn't fine, but he also wasn't worse than the last years. He thought about telling his sister about his nightmares and that he was worried, but in the end he decided that he didn't want to hear his sister judging him for this. That's why he stayed silent.

Carina noticed that he avoided looking at her, so she tried to break the silence. "Okay then...I heard you and Meredith are living together now"

"Where did you hear that…" he asked.

"Meredith" when she saw Andrew's confused gaze she explained "I talked to her before... when you were sleeping… She said she sent you home. And it didn't seem like she meant your place."

Andrew thought about what his sister just said. It was true, Meredith said home. And he didn't think about his place. He immediately thought about her house. He got interrupted before he could go further into his thoughts.

"I'm glad you're happy" Carina stated after Andrew didn't answer then she added "And I'm glad you found somebody to talk to"

"Thank you" a surprised smile appeared on his face. He didn't expect his sister to be so supportive of this relationship. "Since when…?" He tried to ask.

"I think I was wrong. I just want the best for you… and I didn't think that… Well, anyway I see how happy she makes you" She smiled at him before Andrew could end his question.


A few minutes later

Meredith slowly opened the door to Andrew's room. Carina was still in there talking to Andrew.

"What are you doing back here? I thought you were with your kids?" Andrew was surprised when he saw Meredith.

"Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt you. I can wait outside"

"It's okay. We just pass time. What is it?" He smiled at her.

"Well, Ellis wouldn't accept that you weren't coming tonight. She refused to go to bed without a story… I tried to tell one but apparently my stories aren't qualified enough anymore. Zola and Bailey were a bit more cooperative, but they wanted to see you, too… So, I decided to bring them here. Are you up for some visitors?"

"Of course. You know how much I love spending time with them." He answered immediately with a big smile.

Meredith opened the door and her three kids came into the room. Ellis instantly ran over to Andrew "Andrewwww"

"Hello Elle-Belle… Hey, Zola and Bailey" he greeted them and before he could say anything else Ellis already tried to climb onto his bed. He helped her with that and made some space for her so she could sit next to him. Zola and Bailey were also going over to his bed and sat down at the end of it.

Carina was just standing in the room observing the scenario in front of her. Her little brother with the three little kids in his bed, trying to split his attention to all of them. Before she could think about it any longer, she was interrupted by Zola.

"Who are you?" the girl asked curious.

"This is Carina, Zola. She is Andrew's sister." Meredith explained, who stood next to her.

"That's true" Carina reassured smiling at Zola then she added "I think I'll give you some time alone"

"No, you can stay" Zola answered before Carina could leave the room. "Andrew likes you, he told us about you… so, we like you too"

"Okay" she answered glancing amused at Andrew.

Zola turned back to Andrew and started to tell him about her day and how she could not attend her PE class, because of her broken arm.


When the three finished talking about their day Bailey requested, looking at Carina "Can you tell us a story about Andrew"

"I'm not sure" Carina answered looking in three hopeful faces then she glanced at Andrew, who was staring at her, and finally she added "I think I remember a story I can tell you"


Meredith walked over to Andrew "Apparently they have found someone new to tell them stories" she whispered and sat down next to him on a chair.

"I don't know if I agree with their choice" he chuckled.

"Oh, I think it's an excellent choice they made. As much as I love listening to yours. I actually think this could be very interesting." Meredith teased Andrew.

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of" Andrew stated with a smile.


Ellis snuggled up to Andrew. Zola and Bailey made themselves comfortable at the end of his bed, while Carina was still standing in front of them not quite sure how to handle this situation. She finally decided to sit down on a chair next to them, before she started with her story. She told them how Andrew accidentally triggered the fire alarm when they were on vacation.


"You never told me you triggered a fire mission before" Meredith said in amusement to Andrew.

"Not something I'm proud of, but I think I'm not the only one, who was responsible for a fire mission" he smiled at her in return and both had to laugh.

"Am I missing something?" Carina asked confused.

"There might have been an incident at Jackson's party… And it could be possible that we were responsible for that" Meredith answered smiling slightly.

"Looks like you have something in common" Carina shook her head in amusement.


An hour later

(Carina left to give them some time alone)

"Okay, kids we need to go now. We can't stay here all night" Meredith motivated her kids to get up. After only Zola and Bailey showed a reaction, she added "Ellis, you too, come on"

"I think she can't hear you" Andrew stated, pointing at his ears and then at Ellis, who laid next to him covering her ears.

"I think she can hear me very well; I think she just doesn't want to hear me. Am I right Ellis?" Meredith said amused and Ellis and Bailey started laughing.

"Whatever you say." Andrew defended the little one.

"Oh, so, you are on her side?"

"I mean, how could I not" then he turned to Ellis "Hey, Elle-Belle…" he tickled her to get her attention "I think your mommy wants to go"

"But I want to stay" she resisted.

"I think that's not possible."

"I only go if you can come home with us"

"Well, I agree with you on that one, I would love to come with you…" he looked at Meredith.

She shook her head slightly, smiling amused. Normally she would have been more consequent with Ellis, when she once again tried to get what she wanted by pretending she couldn't hear and see her mother. But this situation was just too cute. Her youngest daughter lying next to Andrew, refusing to go home without him.

After Andrew had realized that there was no chance in convincing Meredith that he could leave the hospital today he turned his attention back to Ellis "Okay Ellis, I really think you need to go now. I would love to come with you, but it's not possible… And you need to get some sleep... But tomorrow I will come and make you some European pancakes for dinner. Alright?"

"Okay" Ellis sighed with a small smile and stood up.

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