Part 9

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The next day (Andrew was discharged from the hospital)

(Andrew fulfilled his promise. He made European pancakes for dinner like he promised Ellis the day before. When they finished, they put the kids to bed.)

"How are you feeling?" Meredith asked when they were in the kitchen again.

She had asked him before in the hospital, when he was discharged. He said he was fine, but they haven't really had much time, because she had to go into surgery. Besides she had the feeling that he wanted to say something else. In the beginning she thought she just imagined that there was more to this story, but the feeling didn't let her go. So, she decided to ask him again this evening, when they had time to talk in peace.

"Everything alright?" Meredith asked again when she saw Andrew's smile became a more serious expression after her previous question. It seemed like he wanted to say something, so she tried to encourage him "Hey, just say it". She gave him a slight smile and walked a few steps in his direction until she stood in front of him. She took his hand in hers and could see how he relaxed a bit.

Andrew didn't know where to start, he wasn't sure how he should tell her this. After a few seconds of silence and just looking at each other, he took a deep breath and then finally started "I think I have to go to Italy for a few days… I… I think I need to see that my father is alright myself… I know Carina said he is, and I want to believe her but… I can't stop…."

Meredith squeezed his hand trying to comfort him, she noticed that he tried to explain himself and she wanted him to know that she could understand it "You don't have to justify yourself; he is your father…" Then she rested her head on his chest and laid her arms around his waist.

She knew Andrew had a stronger relationship to his dad than she had to her father. She knew it was important to him to see his father especially since it caused him to have trouble sleeping. Even when he said he was fine before, and she believed him that he felt better, could she feel that he was still a little tense. She didn't want to see him suffer; she wanted him to see his father. But on the other side did she not want him to be alone, or better said, she wanted to be with him. But it wasn't possible, she couldn't fly with him to Italy, she had to work, and she needed to stay with her kids… And there was the next problem he had to fly on a plane. It was years ago since the plane crash, and she managed to fly again herself, but she would be lying if the thought of Andrew being on a plane wouldn't scare her. She didn't really notice that she hugged him even tighter by this thought, but maybe this was what she needed at this moment.

Andrew laid his arms around her, placing a kiss on her head as if he could read her thoughts. After a few seconds he added "I won't be away long. Just a few days… And I'll text you as soon as I land" It might sound like an unnecessary thing to say, but he knew that she needed to hear this. And he could feel how this calmed her.

Meredith looked up at him and a little smile appeared on her lips. "Call me… call me when you land"

Andrew nodded reassuringly. Then he took a strand of hair, which hung loosely in front of her face and put it behind her ear. He caressed her cheek before he leaned towards her to kiss her. His other hand still holding her close to him.

Meredith was grateful. Grateful for how Andrew understood her. That he didn't judge her for being worried more than she probably had to. That he accepted her the way she was. She loved how she felt comfortable around him and she already missed him by the thought of him going to Italy.

"When do you leave?" she suddenly asked pulling away a bit, so she could look at him.

"I think tomorrow… I know its short term… But I think the earlier the better… Also, I will be back sooner" He looked at her, tilting his head a bit before he added smirking slightly "I'll be back before you notice I was away"

"I doubt that" She answered with a little smile, before she got a little more serious and continued "I already miss you"

Andrew pulled her closer again placing another kiss at her lips.

It was interesting, she thought, how quickly he became so important to her.

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