Chapter Three, The Contract

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Edited 2/2/2022Chapter Three, The Contract

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Edited 2/2/2022
Chapter Three, The Contract

When Josie awoke the next morning she found herself alone in her bedroom asides from Merlin. As she lay in bed stroking him and kissing his head, the events of last night returned to her and the vision she hadn't told her family about, one she needed to tell Professor Dumbledore about. Looking at her clock she saw that it ten o' clock and knew she had to get up soon, as they were heading to Gringotts in Diagon Alley this afternoon meeting up with Lord and Lady Black, Arcturus and Melania Black, Sirius' grandparents to sign the Courting contract. Some may think this is all rushed but it actually wasn't, it was the Pureblood Culture to have Courting and Betrothal Contracts and for the male to start the Courting Process before they turn sixteen.

Some parents had Betrothal Contracts made from birth and Josie was forever thankful her parents weren't like that, hence why they are making one now that Sirius has started Courting her. As they wanted her and Jamie to find real love, like they have. The Courting process although more intimate than the Muggle term 'dating'. It is actually slower than 'dating' and there are more rules that are put in place by their parents or in Sirius' case his grandparents - (they had not been happy when they found out what Walburga Black had done to her own son according to the letter her father had received anyway).

But after last night and those horrifying visions Josie didn't want to leave her bed let alone her room. There was suddenly a loud crack and Lou-Lou appeared standing beside her bed.
"How're you feeling, Miss? Lou-Lou brings you a Calming Draft and a Stomach Soother. When you are ready your mother asks you to come down to breakfast." Lou-Lou said as she handed over the potions watching sternly to make sure Josie took them.

"Thank you Lou-Lou." Josie said grimacing after the last potion. "Can you tell Mama and Papa I will be down after I've bathed and dressed, please?" Josie asked kindly.
"Of course Miss." Lou-Lou agreed. "I shall run you a nice hot bath with some muscle relaxers in the water and scented candles. That will help after those horrific things, my poor Mistress." Lou-Lou crooned sadly as she stroked Josie's hair before she disappeared. Gently coaxing Merlin off of her lap with one last kiss to his head, Josie climbed from her warm bed stretching and sighing happily as her stiff muscles relaxed as she went over to her desk grabbing some parchment from the draw. Dipping her quill into the ink pot she started penning her letter.

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