Chapter Nine, Brothers and Padfoot's Birthday

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Edited 3/2/2022

Chapter Nine, Brothers and Padfoot's Birthday

It's been three days since the Halloween Ball, and two since Gryffindor had won the first Quidditch match of the season against Slytherin, which meant Josie could finally put her plan into action. And just in time too. As today was Sirius's 16th birthday and she wanted to make it special for him, which included inviting Regulus.
"Morning Jamie," Josie whispered to her twin brother early that morning. The Potter twins had planned to meet up early before Sirius woke up, so they could go over the plan.
"Mornin' Josie." James greeted, pulling his twin sister into a hug. "Don't worry everything is set up in the room you showed us. How'd you know about it anyway? Or that it couldn't be put on the Map?" He asked confused, but Josie just gave him a look. "Oh. Right, your visions." He said, shaking his head at his own stupidity.

"Is it a good idea to bring Regulus? What if they fight? You and I both know that they're both as stubborn and bull-headed as each other." James asked.
"I know, but they're both miserable without the other. Even if they don't want to admit it." Josie said, rolling her eyes. "And if they don't make up, Regulus will give into peer pressure and join the Death Eaters, and he'll die and Sirius will always regret it. I don't want him to live with that heavy burden, Jamie."
"Okay," James said, taking her hands. "I'll follow your lead on this Josie and I'll stand by you I promise." He swore.
"Thank you Jamie." She said gratefully. "Let's go wake him up and hurry the drama Queen in and out of the shower before Remus throws a fit and we're late for McGonagall's class." She said, standing up and sweeping her braid over her shoulder.


The day had passed by rather quickly with hardly any confrontation, (only a minor confrontation with Snape when Josie came to tell Regulus the time of the party in the R.O.R).
"Happy birthday Siri." Josie said, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
"Thank you Josie." Sirius said, kissing her softly, before she pulled back after a while causing him to pout and give her puppy dog eyes.
"Don't give me those." Josie laughed, "come on. I have a surprise." She said pulling him up off the sofa and out of the Gryffindor Common Room as she figured everyone would be there by now.
"Where are we going? Sirius laughed, allowing Josie to pull him away from Gryffindor Tower.

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