Chapter Six, Healing and Horcruxes

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Edited 3/2/2022

Chapter Six, Healing and Horcruxes

Dumbledore sat behind his desk in his office early Friday morning before breakfast started. He was waiting on all members of staff for the meeting he had called. He regretted it being so early but he had several announcements to make today, and he needed to inform his staff about Josie. A knock a few minutes later pulled Dumbledore from his thoughts.
"Come in." He called, as the door opened revealing: Minerva McGonagall, Pomona Sprout, Filius Flitwick, Horace Slughorn, Aurora Sinistra, Rolanda Hooch, Rubeus Hagrid, Septima Vector, Cuthbert Binns, Silvanus Kettleburn, Irma Prince, Poppy Pomfrey, Bathsheda Babbling and Argus Filch. "Thank you for all coming, I apologise for the early start but it is crucial." Dumbledore apologised as all of his staff took a seat.

"First; I'd like to give the students a bit of a treat with all that is going on outside these walls, take their minds off it. One particular student deserves it the most but I'll get to that in a moment." Dumbledore started.
"What were you thinking, Albus?" Pomona Sprout enquired curiously.
"I was thinking of holding a Masquerade Ball for Halloween and getting that new band, what is it called... ah, yes, The Weird Sisters to come and play for us, if they agree of course. I want to announce this at breakfast today to give the students time to find outfits and partners, and for us to organise everything. Hence the early start." Dumbledore finished as he gauged everyone's reaction and had Charmed a quill to take down all of their suggestions and ideas for decorating the Great Hall for the Ball etc.

"Okay," Dumbledore said, looking over the rather long list. "Any more suggestions?" He asked looking at his staff, when they all shook their heads he continued. "For the second reason we are here is about Miss Josephine Potter."
"What about Josie?" Hagrid asked, concerned.
"Myself and Poppy have permission from her to tell you this but it is not to leave this room, it will endanger her life otherwise." Dumbledore said sternly.
"I will cast a Charm to make sure of it, Albus." Filius said as he took out his wand and muttered a spell causing golden light to sink into all of them. "It's done. No one will be able to discuss what you say outside of this room to anyone. Not even to each other, only if Miss Potter broaches the subject."
"Thank you Filius. I shall not go into too much detail but, Josie is a Seer. The first one in the Potter Line since Ignotus Peverell." Dumbledore said, shocking all but Poppy.

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