Chapter 17

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"You're smiling like an idiot," Soyun said.

"Can't I be happy for once?" I asked.

"Remember after school voluntary service don't want Ms. Grumpy going out on us." Huan frowned.

"Oh yes that I didn't forget, that lady is something else," I said.

"Anyways meet me at the library we have different classes," I said and they nodded before walking to my class. After a long and hectic class, I went to the library to work how awesome, no rest for the wicked.

I walked into the library and saw that students were already there then I saw Soyun and Huan so I went over to where they were.

"So what are we doing?" I asked.

"Well we are going to be cleaning up the table with books on them, organizing books and also the chairs there's a list on the table at the back with bucket loads of book we have to ensure that they return them all so a double-check." Soyun sighed.

"Might as well go look a job and get paid." We laughed and went over to the double check area because some children already start organizing and other stuff and since it was three of us it will be easier.

We sat until our butts were sore and we had to walk it out and we went back at it again.

"So when is Yibo going to meet your brother?" Huan asked.

"As soon as he visits my house Zhan will be there more often so he'll see him," I said.

"I bet the two of them will have a heart stroke, they're both handsome," Huan exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's true." Soyun gives a quick smile.

"I can't wait." Huan squealed. "If they both had a baby that baby would be so cute I can just imagine." Huan imagined.

"Are you hearing yourself?" I asked confused?

"Huan are you okay?"

"Yes, I guess I was carried away and didn't know what I was talking about." Huan smiled awkwardly.

"Anyways change the subject before I get mean." I rolled my eyes.

We went back to finish our task in complete silence after we have finished we checked out and walked home. When I went inside I saw Zhan on the phone, he didn't look pleased so I went over to where he was and asked what happened. But he was still on the phone so I had to wait until he was finished talking.

"I already told you it's not because of that I just don't feel a connection between us, you feel more like a friend to me. I'm sorry." Zhan sighed.

It sounds like Lisa was on the phone that girl can never rest even in her love life. That's a bit too much.

"Okay sleep well." Zhan hang up the phone and threw it on the couch messaging his forehead.

"Who was it?"


"Are you upset?" I asked squeezing his arm.

"No I told her I don't feel a connection between us to be honest I only see us as friends," Zhan explained.

"Then why'd you lead her on that sounds selfish you know." I frowned.

"I thought I could fall for her overtime but at the moment I saw it was meaningless, so I cut it off now before it gets any worse." He looked at me sadly.

"I'm not upset with you but I feel bad for Soyun, she's been after you for years and to find out you don't feel like how she feels about you is heartbreaking. She finally musters up the courage to tell you it hurts." I said lowly.

"Now you're making me feel like the bad guy, a heartbreak won't kill her." He rubbed my shoulder.

"But too much will," I said before getting up, I just didn't like how Zhan was making her feel. I tried calling her multiple times but she won't pick up I called Huan but she said she didn't hear from her. It sucks Zhan, it really does I said facepalming. I wish this was not the way it ended.

I heard my phone vibrate so I quickly took it up. I thought finally Soyun texted but it was Yibo and to be honest, I felt more excited and happy like my whole mood went from 1-100 I feel like kissing him right now. I laughed and shook my head.

Hey, forgot my number already?

No, I was talking to my brother.


Yes but in a good way

Okay so how are you?

I'm doing good you?

Can we have lunch tomorrow?

Are you sure you're texting the right person?

Sorry it's out of the blue but please


Pretty please

Okay, but you won't get off easily next time.

If you say so.

I mean it

I threw my phone in the bed and laughed, how is he so clever he knows I won't turn him down. So full of himself I laughed. I took a shower and went to bed for another day at school tomorrow.

I was woken up by Zhan he was standing at my bedside staring at me like he was wondering how to make me wake up without asking for 5 more minutes. I got up and get ready for school after five minutes and went downstairs.

"Not going to work today?" I asked.

"Three days a week" he chirped.

"Aren't you a lucky one?" I smiled and went to the kitchen where he was.

"I don't know if it's too early but I want you to meet Yibo," I suggested.

"Well, he's welcome anytime if he's handsome." He giggled.

"Huan said if both of you had a kid it would be the cutest baby in the world." I shrugged.

"Oh my, did she have a fever?" He asked.

"She was a little warm... Yup, she had a fever." We both laughed. I ate Zhan pancakes I was delicious no debating on that and I kissed him on the cheek and went to school.

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