Chapter 18

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It was sunny outside, the warmth of the sun felt welcoming and it reflected on my skin. It glowed, giving me a different hue a more light yellow look. It felt satisfactory because after the cold morning it's a good way to start the day.

I hmph because this morning was going well, too good. I didn't hate it but I didn't like it either it just gives me this feeling of being pessimistic. The last time my day went this good I cried the whole night and I'd rather not say why. When I arrive at school I went to my first class but it was empty maybe I was too early I went in there and sat down.

I took out my phone and saw Zhan sent a selfie I was laughing so hard, he was making out with my breakfast I can't explain how idle this is. I also missed selfies from him though they always made my day. I then heard a ruckus and looked up it was the two girls from yesterday. To avoid any more trouble I looked back at my phone.

One sat on my desktop and the other pulled a chair beside me.

"You thought you got away huh?" They asked.

"No I knew I didn't you guys are too predictable for me." I shrugged.

"Listen this is your last warning beca-" I cut her off those threatening is just words.

"Look do you have to stoop so low?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "Come closer let me tell you what people think about the two of you," I said and somehow they came closer cause people's opinions matter to them.

"Basic bitches." I pulled away and laughed they were about to throw a tantrum but people started flooding the classroom it was fun to see the frustration on their faces it just made me happy.

After the class was finished I went to the cafeteria and only saw Huan I went over and sat beside her.

"Where's Soyun?" I asked.

"Well she didn't want to eat here and she didn't want to see you because you remind her of Zhan," Huan said nonchalantly.

"Well, that's remarkably petty if you ask me, where did she go?" I asked and Huan shrugged.

"Well, I'm just wondering why didn't you walk her down." I sighed.

"She told me she wanted space and she'll get angry at me if I stopped her. I respect her privacy and if she wants some time alone I'll give it to her, she'll come back she just needs some fresh air, literally." Huan rolled her eyes and continued eating.

"Well aren't you full of attitude today." I clicked my tongue.

"Call it whatever you want I just hope a bird shit on her clothes so she can come back here that will teach her a valuable lesson. Wherever outside you sit, bird shits." We both laughed I was wheezing, to be honest, I've never heard Huan talk things like this before she's being like me. #proudmom.

"I'm going to buy lunch," I said and after I did I went back to sit around the table.

I honestly never talk this much to Huan shes like me but a weirder version. I like it. Soyun was a little different when I first met her she talked none stop I thought my ears were going to explode but over time I got used to it and I somehow pick up the habit of talking a lot.

After lunch, we went back to our classes but the teachers had a meeting until some time we as the student didn't know as yet. So Huan and I went to look for Soyun after a little walking, just kidding after walking mountains, valleys, hills, highways, and let's not forget I didn't just walk I searched.

I told Huan to split up so it would make it easier and she agreed I went back to the basketball field and looked but it was empty. I heard the basketball hitting the ground I was curious so I went to watch and it was no other than Yibo.

He did it so smoothly, he looked sexy and sweaty at the same time. I didn't realize he saw me watching him until he was walking over to me, I wanted to run so badly but my body stayed put.

"Hey, like what you see?" He smirked.

"Yeah, the basketball court is a nice view." I looked past him as if I was admiring the basketball court.

"You're bluffing but I won't argue and I think you forgot something." He sat down.

"Ahh... Oh, lunch I didn't saw you in the cafeteria." I pouted and sat beside him.

"Oh sorry I didn't text you where to meet up, I thought you didn't want to come."

"I'll make it up to you," I suggested.

"How?" He asked looking at me.

"Dinner my brother is going to cook, he has some skills." I laughed nervously what have I put myself into.

"Ahh bribing me with dinner." He slowly nodded biting his lips and I quickly looked away.

"Okay meet me after school then." He smiled before getting up and went back to what he was doing. And I went to look for Soyun who I should be looking for instead of talking to Yibo.

After looking I finally found her and Huan and I ran over to them.

"Finally, I probably lost a few hundred pounds looking for you." I stretched.

"You don't have that much," Soyun said bluntly.

"Hmm... What's wrong?" I asked sitting down beside Soyun.

"Well, I must first say I'm sorry for ditching you guys and I just didn't know that Zhan did see me than a friend nothing more. I guess you can't force someone to love you if they don't." Soyun said looking at the sky.

"It's beautiful isn't it," I said smiling at her and she nodded.

"I love to stare at it Zhan always takes me there when I was younger. I wouldn't sleep until he took me to the park to see it." I smiled.

"So what are you girls doing tonight?" Huan asked.

"Nothing actually I would just go home and drown in my sorrows." Soyun sighed.

"Then let's have a girl's night," Huan said.

"Well I can't make it, Yibo invited me to lunch but I didn't make it so I have to make up for it with dinner I also want to invite you guys." I smiled hoping for a yes.

"No problem," Soyun said. "But are you going to order dinner?" Soyun asked.

"No why?" I asked

"Ohh remember Zhan is not the best in the kitchen." Soyun pointed out.

"I know I told him Yibo was coming so he must do one hundred times better. Can't pressure him." I scoffed.

"Okay, what time?"

"Not sure" I replied. "Just get ready as you reach home I'll tell you when to come."


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