Chapter 22

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Zhan's P.O.V

I was exhausted from work today I didn't have any time for myself and I don't want Lisa to be my date. Not that there's anything wrong with her but I don't want her to turn my friendliness into something else. I don't want to disappoint Xiling but just the thought of me and Lisa is a little too much.

I've dated girls in the past and I was always the bad guy, no matter how much I tried to please them I always turn out to be the worst. I can't bother to deal with any drama now that I'm focusing on work, that can be futile. After watching almost half an hour out of funny cat videos I went to my Instagram. I've seen that I've gotten a few new followers since my last post, I didn't post a lot of things on Instagram. When I looked at my new followers I saw Yibo's name. Like where in the hell did he find time to look for me and follow me, I wasn't going to follow him back but that would be kind of uncalled for so I clicked on his profile.

He didn't post much either and most of it was him doing sports like basketball and skateboarding and not to mention motorcycling. He was just all about sports even on his socials. I decided to like all his posts since they all looked cool and followed him. I was just scrolling regularly through my feeds when I saw him messaged me I was a little taken aback but I still clicked on it.

Did I make you like sports already? Or is it just me.

It's the sports don't get me wrong.

I'm not I was just asking.

Oh well, you've got your answer.


I was suddenly not in the mood for looking through Instagram anymore, he literally just makes me want to throw my phone far, far away, and just sink into a hole. I wasn't thinking that he would recognize it and confront me through direct message. I hope he doesn't get the wrong idea I didn't stalk him he followed me first and come to think of it he also likes all my posts. So I'm not the one to blame I was just returning the favor.

After some time I heard Xiling come downstairs and she was smiling.

"I've seen that you guys are already fund of each other." She said showing me her phone and scrolling through my pictures showing me Yibo liking every one of my posts.

"I don't know what got into him." I bickered.

"Poor Zhan Zhan, he's just fighting for you to like him so he can date me without a big brother controlling the relationship." She chuckled and smiled.

"But that's not how I am," I said offended.

"I know I have told him already but he doesn't believe me maybe because of past experiences." She shrugged.

"But how did you know though?." I asked confused.

"I didn't follow Yibo on Instagram but when you did they notify me saying something about the people you recently followed and I looked and I saw him." She explained.

"Oh, seems reasonable that you aren't your brother stalker." I grimaced.

"I'm your biggest fan so if I stalk you that should be the least of your concern." She smirked.

"Don't give me that devious smirk."

"Hmm... Want to watch a movie you're not going to work tomorrow anyway." She said taking up the remote and I didn't even answer.

Time flew quickly because before we knew it it was Saturday morning, Xiling and I planned to buy stuff for the movie this evening. I went over to her room and knocked on her door and I didn't hear any answer so I unlocked it. She was sleeping like a baby and it was nine in the morning so I went over and sit on her bedside and start shaking her.

She was scrunching up her face displeased at what I was doing but I did it until she was annoyed and got up.

"I'm up, I'm up, just let me be I'll be down in a few." She said rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"How can I believe you when you always go back to sleep saying just 5 minutes."

"Okay I'll just get out of bed and go take a shower that would make the sleep go away." she jogged herself off the bed and walked lazily to the bathroom.

I then got up and went to my room to get myself ready for shopping. After I was finished showering and brushing my teeth I fixed my hair to a side part and I wore a baggy black shirt and a black jogger with some white sneakers. after I was done preparing myself to go shopping I went down to the kitchen to make some breakfast I decided to make an omelet with some chocolate tea.

After breakfast, we head out to the store to get the typical things for a movie night. When we arrived at the store Xiling was so excited she didn't even wait for me to get out of the car. She runs inside and when I went inside I couldn't find her so I had to search down the whole please looking for her and when I found her she was staring at a mannequin.

"You made me look for you to only come and see this?" I asked worried about her mental health.

"Come on brother don't be a party pooper let's just have fun."

"It's easy for you to say because you're not the one going to the movie night with Lisa as a date." I sighed.

"Yeah but that's not bad though at least you have a date." She shrugged.

"Date my ass more like a leech," I complained.

"Why do you have to be so mean be nicer today I'll call it a nice day." She said making an imaginary line.

"Nice my ass more like a day where all you can think about is how I can escape this torture." I folded my arms.

"If you continue saying that then it won't be fun let's just forget about Lisa, well it's easy for me to say but it's me and you now." She said and I nodded.

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