Chapter 23

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After we've finished shopping we went to get something to eat because all this shopping makes me exhausted. I wanted some coffee, I wasn't hungry but Xiling was so I had to get her something to eat. She wanted pizza but I can never order pineapple toppings for her because she hates it and always asked who does that.

After eating we went back home and flung ourselves on the couch and breathing heavily.

"Wow, I haven't shopped this much in my life," Xiling complained.

"Where is the lie," I said tired out.

"You know the only thing I enjoyed today was the pizza." She gleamed.

"And the only thing I enjoyed today was my coffee, I feel like I want to sleep but I'm afraid I'll sleep until tomorrow morning." I sulked.

"Me too you know I sleep more than you and we have to unpack and get everything ready." She closed her eyes and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Hey wake up." I nudged her.

"Leave me alone stop bothering me." She quarreled.

"Xiling you're on my body."

"Well no one cares at this moment I sleep wherever I want, the only thing you can do is cope with it." She mumbled ready to dose off.

"I didn't know my body wasn't meant for me it was meant for you. Xiling gets up we only have little to no time to set up." I said nudging her again and she got up looking mortified.

"How are we even related?"

"Funny because I ask myself the same question every day." I retorted.

"Hmm... Okay, let's just finish what we started." She said lazily getting up and walking over to the bags.

I followed behind her and we start unpacking and setting up the living room so everyone could feel comfortable, it took us almost two hours because we stopped to rest and sometimes we forgot that we were doing stuff, we had to talk to keep ourselves going because we would move slower or done move at all.

After we were finished Xiling and I went to our separate rooms to find something to wear and get ourselves ready before I did that I decided to call Lisa to be here by 7 and bring movie ideas she was delighted but I wasn't. Well, I was before I heard that she was coming I was internally crying. It's not that I hate her but I just don't want her here mean but I don't care.

Well, I was on my laptop most of the time until it was time for us to get ready I just wore something casual. It was time for the movie and I lied to Xiling that I wasn't ready so she could open the door, I just couldn't keep my composure if every time I leave the door someone knocks.

When everyone was finally there including Lisa they introduced their partners Huan brought Jackson which was Yibo's friend, Soyun brought Cheng which was her friend I don't know if she was trying to make me jealous by the way she was acting but it didn't work one bit. Xiling brought Yibo as expected and I brought Lisa I'm exhausted already.

We agreed on watching horror movies. This one was called the Truth or dare when you do two truths and one dare. We continued to eat and watch and Lisa was holding on to me every single time she gets the chance, I just wanted to shove her badly. I'm not abusive but she asked for it, I just have a bad feeling about her.

"Zhan, Zhan wake up." I felt someone shaking me and I gradually got up and opened my eyes and I saw Lisa, I just went back to sleep.

"Come on are you this hard to wake." I heard her said bitterly.

"No he isn't I don't know why he is like this, this morning," Xiling said I could acknowledge her voice. She went over to where I was and shook me and I got up.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking around and everyone else was sleeping including Yibo. Last night got everyone sleeping late huh?.

"Nothing I just wanted to tell you I'm leaving now and last night was great. Thanks for inviting me" She said smiling. I use all the strength that I have in my body to hold myself back from strangling her.

"You could've texted me and tell me instead of waking me up, look at the others sound asleep," I said turning my back to her. "You're welcome I'm going back to sleep now," I said and I felt her getting up off the couch and leaving. I tried my best to fall back to sleep but it wasn't working so I got up and I saw Xiling on her phone around the table so I went and sat in the chair across from her.

"What did I do to deserve this," I said facepalming.,

"Nothing, that's how cruel this world is." She said turning off the phone and placing it on the table facing me. "But you were grumpy this morning like... Me, yes me that's how it feels when you're in my shoe." She smirked.

"I'm confused, why did you wake up so early?" I interrogated.

"I'm confused myself I just got up and I didn't want to go back to sleep again. Does this mean..." She said rubbing her chin.

"Does this mean what?" I asked waiting for her to finish what she was saying.

"You're becoming me and I'm becoming you." She grimaced.

"This is the first time and I guarantee it will be the last, so no that's not what it means," I complained.

"I was hoping you'd agree with me this time."

"Not even in my sleep, by the way, were you going to wake me up?"

"I was going to because I wanted to have my revenge but I was busy staring at Yibo he looked so peaceful and I entirely forgot about you." She laughed.

"Hmm," I said staring at our fingers.

"Speaking of the devil, he's turning." Xiling pointed and I turned around to look.

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