Chapter 54

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"Inlove? Is this some kind of joke?" She asked stunned.

"Why would I lie to you?" Zhan asked.

"So weren't you both lying all this time or what?" She heaved a sigh but her tears forced their way out making a waterfall running down her cheeks.

"Zhan, how could you do this to me? How could you?" She said quickly wiping her tears. "Well my own brother, my blood, my other half... This is unbelievable" she said sitting down on the couch.

"I'm sorry... This isn't the way I wanted this to end up." Zhan said softly.


"But I can't control the way I feel towards Yibo, every time I try to convince myself that it's nothing I end up with the same feeling again and again. It's like a never ending cycle and I know we both feel the same way about him and it would cause conflict somehow it's like I'm in the point of my life where I don't know what to do or say." Zhan sighed sitting beside her.

Huan decided to finally show up not knowing what's happening she opened the door and looked over to where they were sitting she could feel the tension but she ignored it anyway and walked over to them as she was about to say something Xiling first her.

"Did you know about this?"

"About what?" Huan pretended to be clueless but Xiling had enough of these innocent acts.

"Don't play dumb with me! It's Yibo and Zhan."

"Oh, well yeah."

"And you didn't tell me?" Xiling asked disappointed.

"Well it wasn't my duty to tell you, but the reason I know was because I was inquisitive." She laughed and looked at Zhan then back at Xiling. "I know you would say I'm choosing sides but if me being happy for them and glad they are together means I'm choosing sides, then so be it."

"So everyone is against me then..." Xiling said nodding at her own observation.

"It's no-"

"Don't even Zhan, don't even try to explain yourself to me I'm going back to live with mom and dad and nobody, nobody at all can stop me. It's better to live knowing that mom and dad won't betray me like you do." She said angrily walking away.

"I was expecting laughter and glass clinging." Huan said.

"I was expecting a easy let off and a makeup dinner." Yibo added.

"I was expecting this." Zhan said and got everybody attention. "We grew up together, we did everything together and I stole you from her."

"Yibo has gone rogue." Huan laughed but then went back to a serious face again. "What? I can't help it."

"I need to talk to her." Zhan said but Yibo grabbed him by the arm.

"You're the last person she wants to see, you said it yourself, you guys did everything together and love each other dearly she needs a little bit more time."

"Time to do exactly what? Leave and hate me forever huh? You don't know how I feel to know that the person I love the most is going to hate me forever!" Zhan shouted at Yibo causing him to let go of his hand.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't I'm sorry me as if that's going to fix anything. You're only making things worst."

"Hey Zhan calm down, stop talking nonsense. I'll go talk to her and that's no way to talk to your boyfriend, you always take things out on him and he's always there for you...You have to learn to read between the lines, you both love each other now act like it...To be honest the both of you stress me out alot but I am willing to do anything for you guys because I love you both...If you aren't going to do it for each other do it for me, that's my wish this Christmas which I should have made already." Huan sighed and hold both of their hands and placed them in each other.

"This is a bond so strong it cannot be broken." She kissed them both on their cheeks. "I'm no exception." She walked away and went upstairs the two couldn't help but to hug and kiss each other.

"I don't know what I would have done without her."

"Me neither." Yibo responded.

Huan went upstairs and knocked on Xiling's door but the door was already opened. She just walked in and saw Xiling sitting on the bed staring at her feet, she went over there and sat beside her.

"Hey," Huan said but there was no response. "Let's see the list of things I should check off today... There's a lot of bad things I've done but when it comes on to people I love I don't do it to hurt anybody if anything it's to protect them. You can give up on me but I won't give up on you but if I do its a solid reason trust me. I've given enough pep talk for today so I'm going to just be real with you..." Huan sighed.

"I don't know what you're feeling but no matter what a person does if you truly love them, no matter how hard you try you can't hate them. It's just facts." Huan was about to get up but Xiling words stopped her.

"Why do you support my brother and Yibo being gay so much?" She asked looking at her.

"Well for starters, I love boy's love since I was I don't know but it's been a long time, my sister do too. For some reason I always want the two of them to be together but you and Soyun looked repulsed so I just keep it to myself." Huan sat back down again. "I don't think people's opinions should decide how you live because in the end if anything happens you're the one who has to fix it."

"But why would I judge you Huan? I know you."

"Unfortunately you don't know me that well..." Huan said a little skeptical.

"How?" She asked confused.

"Because I like girls and you happen to be the girl I like."


I updated today so you all could read and I know the day is almost over but I'm glad I can reach out to all of you before it ends.

Spend quality time with friends and family and enjoy the Christmas holiday.

Love you lots😊❤

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