The More Than Frenemies

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Once they were all gathered in one of the living rooms, Gomez enthusiastically demanded introductions. Morticia placated her husband while her brothers and their archenemies situated themselves. Seeing their reluctance, Morticia announced that they would go in age order. Eldest first.
Moriarty and Will exchanged a look, not entirely sure who was older. Impatient, Gomez told Moriarty to start.
With a dramatic sigh and a flourish in Sherlock's direction, Moriarty spoke. "Tisch, Gomez, brothers, meet my amazing Sherly!"
"Sherlock," said man corrected.
Moriarty waved him away. "Genius consulting detective, whose mind rivals only the one belonging to yours truly!" Sherlock half-glared at Moriarty's jab.
"Yes, but who is he?" Gomez prompted.
"Why, my sociopathic rival-slash-lover of course!"
Will rolled his eyes at his brother's dramatics. He shared an exasperated look with Harry, who half-grimaced, half-smirked at him. Always expressing things so, their brother did. Much unlike themselves and their sister.
"Of course," Sherlock snorted.
"A sociopath, eh? Good choice, Jimmy!" Gomez exclaimed.
Morticia smiled kindly at Sherlock. "Well you must be quite interesting to catch the attention of our dear James."
"Have you a filthy past, my friend?" Gomez questioned, leaning forward eagerly. Morticia pulled him back and informed him that that was a subject for later. Dinner, perhaps. Gomez reluctantly dropped it. Until dinner.
"Onto you, Will darling." Morticia announced, smirking at her brother's predatory cannibal.
"Alright. Meet Doctor Hannibal Lecter, killer and cook extraordinaire. Also know as the Chesapeake Ripper. My fiancé." Will tiredly smiled at Hannibal, who was gently rubbing his available hand.
"Oh! The cannibal? That Ripper?" Gomez excitedly asked, leaning forward again.
Hannibal smirked. "Why, of course."
Only Will could sense Hannibal's surprise. Sherlock probably could have, if he had been paying any attention, and possibly Moriarty as well. Hannibal had of course been informed by his fiancé of Will's rather eccentric family, but he was still surprised of their enthusiastic acceptance regarding his favourite hobbies.
"Dreadful," Morticia cheerfully responded.
"Just terrible," Gomez cheered, raising his glass up as for a toast.
Will just shook his head at his brother-in-law's antics, deciding to throw the youngest brother under the rug. Figuratively, of course.
"I believe it's Harry's turn now?" William announced, hiding his smirk in his glass.
Harry shot him a look. "I guess," Harry replied. "Thanks, brother dearest."
Will shot Harry a wink, ignoring Hannibal's incredulous look at him being openly playful.
"Everyone," Harry started, somehow more awkward than Will, "meet Tom. Also known as the Dark Lord Voldemort." A pause. "Who killed my parents."
"Whom, dear," Tom corrected, his head on Harry's. Harry leaned back against his soulmate, rolling his eyes.
"Whom killed my parents," Harry restated.
"How horrible!" Gomez replied, grinning like the mad man he was.
"An atrocity," Morticia dreamily responded.
Will hummed, "Oh, just wait. The full story is just," Will mimed an explosion, accidentally swatting Hannibal in the process.
Seeing Gomez lean forward again, Morticia speaks. "Well, just another story we must hear over dinner.
Hopefully we have time for all three."
Will winced. "Three?"
"Oh yes," Morticia replied, "did you really think you could get out of it, brother dearest?"
Will grimaced at his sister's smirk, but shook his head to agree with her statement.
"Do any of us like girls?" Harry murmured in realisation, somewhat amused.
"I'm bi," Will piped up, responding to his brother's not so quiet question.
"I believe Wednesday likes girls," Morticia said. "Gomez too, of course. Personally, I suppose I am also bi."
"Same here!" Gomez announced.
"Are we counting the whole family?" Moriarty questioned, finally re-joining the conversation.
Harry shrugged in response, not really caring. His statement had just been a blurted musing, after all. "Luna doesn't have a preference, though I think she rather fancies Snape right now."
"Oh?" Tom raised an eyebrow at his soulmate, before turning to face Morticia.
"Speaking of Severus, you should meet the rest of his family. I am certain you and Narcissa would get along swimmingly."
Morticia nodded, smiling. "I have heard quite a bit about the Malfoys, and would be pleased to meet them."
"Make sure to keep Wednesday and Pugsley away from their son, though. Draco's a bit... fragile," Harry interjected, his partner nodding in agreement.

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