Everything'll Be Alright (Request for @Nightfoxglitch)

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Dib sits at his desk, his homework strewn out in front of him. He pushed his glasses up and rubbed the bridge of his nose as if trying to relieve his migraine.

God, I fucking hate Geometry. He thinks, his head pounding with overwhelming stress. He lets out a heavy sigh and stands up. I'm going for a walk...

He slips on his black jacket and walks downstairs. He grabs the keys hanging next to the door, then glances back at his dad and younger sister who are playing video games.

"I'm going for a walk. I'll be back around five." Dib announces.

"Okay, son!" Professor Membrane replies, not even looking at the lanky teenager. Dib makes sure he has his phone then walks out the door.


Dib starts on the nature trail that leads through the forest. He adjusts his large, round framed glasses and continues walking. He has his earbuds in, listening to soft music. He's in his own little bubble, not really paying attention to his surroundings. Suddenly, Dib bumps into someone — not just anyone, though. He bumped into his worst and only enemy.

"Watch where you're going, Dib-stink!" Zim hisses, yanking on a mauve colored leash. He was... walking GIR? Dib narrowed his eyes.

"You were in my path!" Dib argues, pulling out his earbuds. Zim rolls his eyes.

"The mighty Zim doesn't move for filthy humans!" The Irken says confidently. Dib crosses his arms.

"Tsk. Whatever. Your ego is bigger than you, space boy." Dib retorts. GIR smiles up at the human, his tongue out. Zim points a finger at him.

"You—!" He shuts up abruptly at the sound of a low rumble coming from the sky. His hand drops and he glances around nervously. Rain soon follows, light at first, then heavy. Zim cowers down on the muddy path. Dib could feel his anger slip away into pity. He hates the stupid little bug, but he couldn't just watch him burn to death. The human slips off his jacket and crouches down to the alien's level.

"Here." Dib says softly, wrapping the Irken in his favorite jacket. Surprisingly, the alien doesn't resist. He's scared. Dib realizes, his heart sinking. "Let's go somewhere safer." Zim follows his enemy to a hollow tree and they crawl inside. There's another rumble followed by a quick flash of light — enough light for Dib to see Zim trembling and silently crying. He never saw the alien cry. He was always so confident and determined. Dib couldn't shake the feeling that he actually cares about Zim. Dib scoots closer to the Irken and wraps his arms around him.

"D-Dib?" The Irken squeaks audibly, melting into Dib's arms. Zim rests his head on Dib's shoulder and Dib rests his chin on Zim's head. GIR curls up at their feet, not interrupting for once.

"I'm sorry." Dib whispers, placing a kiss on Zim's head.

"W-Why are you doing this?" Zim croaks, nuzzling into the human's shirt.

"Because, I care about you. And..." He pauses, hesitant. "And I think I love you, Zim. I love you so much." He kisses him again.

"If this is louve, Zim feels the same." The alien admits. Dib puts his thumb on Zim's soft lips then traces them to his chin. He tilts his face up and gazes into the Irken's eyes. He closes his eyes and kisses him on the lips, then holds him close, comforting him until the storm fades.

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