~Chapter 2~

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The furnace light was emitting onto their clothes. Of course I couldn't be there to experience it. I was too busy conversing with Eret the whole day.

Laughter filled the room we were in. "So, you're telling me, you betrayed them for a castle and crown? Loser!"

The brunette rolled his glowing eyes, looking at the h/c girl in front of them.

"It's not my fault Dream had a greater offer at the time." He replied, taking his crown off his head and placing it on the h/c girls head.

---------------------------------------------------------Time Skip-------------------------------------------

"Will, we can't just keep staying in the shadows! We need to show Schlatt that we are better than him..!" Tommy yelled.

A mix of brown/black and pink hair stumbled into the room, clearly not balanced enough.

"Guys! Y/n found a way to sneak into Manberg!"

Wilburs head turned towards where I was standing, with a smile on my face.

"You sure this isn't a set up like last time Y/n? We didn't trust Eret so easily then. How are we able to trust anyone that has a secret path to anywhere.."

His brown orbs looked into my E/c ones. "Will, I can assure you that Y/n is not lying, I went with them down the path and saw the horrid that is now Manberg."

"Then i can assume that when we go down there will be no tricks up your guys' sleeves?" We both responded with a nod.

"Very well. Then let's go."

The five of them, Wilbur, Tommy, Techno, Y/n, and Eret, walked down the path, Y/n leading with Techno following close behind. Creaks sounded on the floorboards underneath them as they walked. The occasional rumble of the Camarvan sounding above them. Until finally, they came to a hole in the wall, light seeping through.

"See, no tricks there Will." The H/c girl smiled after having their hair ruffled by Eret.

The brunette fixed his beanie, again, and sighed. "Yes, yes, sorry for doubting you. I don't ever expect you to fail Pogtopia. And if you do, I don't know what we would do." The H/c girl focused her eyes onto the ground below them, filled with worry. She knew the great plans everyone had anyways.

"Perhaps be lost without the help of my genius brain" She smiled, fixing Erets crown, which he'd given her before, upon her head.

Tommy opened his mouth to speak, "Guys, is that Schlatt upon the Camarvan..?"

We all drifted our eyes to the said van, with Wilbur letting out a silent plead for him to get off. We spotted Tubbo out from under the pond that led to his archives, and he ran towards schlatt, an obvious scowl upon Tommy's face while watching his best friend run towards the enemy, fixing his tie and suit jacket. That only fueled Will's suspicions towards everyone.

I think I was the only one who noticed the mischievous glint in Wilbur's eyes, seconds before he turned away and started back to the base.

Letting out a sigh, the others followed Techno's command to head back.

"Techno, Will had this glint in his eye, right when Tubbo appeared from his archives. But it disappeared when he started to turn and head back to the base." He sighed at me.

"Look Y/n, not to be rude or anything, but, please, for the love of potatoes, stop overthinking everything." He rubbed his temple "I get that we're all on edge, but stop thinking everything is going wrong just because of one eye glint."

I stopped walking and stared at him, wide-eyed. "I-" I let my jacket slip off my shoulders. "Sorry for caring about Pogtopia. I guess I'll stop." I scoffed, and once I was out of the tunnel, sprinted away into the forest, about the same spot I had found Tommy earlier.

Without thinking, my hands were already on the highest branch, and legs hanging over the edge.

Zooming back into my consciousness, I realized I was sitting high up in the tree, staring at the leafed out sky. 

---------------------------------------------Skippy Skip--------------------------------------------

I was left alone to my thoughts, but that was cut short when a mans monotone voice could be heard nearby. 

"Yes, Wilbur, I can assure you that Y/n bolted off as soon as she could when we reached the end." I tried moving up the tree more, but my foot faltered, which made me fall a bit, the crown slipping off my head, and down onto the ground below. "Shi-"

"Whos out there!" Boomed Eret's voice as he walked fast paced towards the fallen crown, now probably covered in dirt, ruining the shining rainbow crystals embedded into it. If I mess up once, he's gonna discover me.

E/c orbs met with brown ones staring up from the ground. "Eret! My good pal, please go away, like now, right now." He shook his head and waved over Wilbur. "Nope, we're staying right here."

Will's eyes darted over to the side and being curious, my sight followed his. 

I sprinted over and wrapped my arms around the boy, who was holding his arms out. "Tubbo! Im happy to see you!" I smiled, him letting out a quiet laugh at my antics.

"Y-yeah, me too actually." He glanced behind me to Will and Eret. "Why do they have that look?"

I glanced back also, "I have no clue, but I think they might be suspicious of you for some reason.." Eret's white, soulless, glowing eyes, somehow rolled, causing him to scoff.


Omg guys, you have no idea how many days I've been writing this chapter, and the other secret chapter that I think I've only told 4 other people of, no one knows its contents, but they know it exists. So yeah! Y/n met back up with tubbo, any guesses on whats gonna happen next? If you don't know, neither do I, my mind faltered for a sec, more like year. Anyways, see you guys in the next chapter!


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