~Chapter 3~

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(Tubbo in wig supremecy)

It's been about three days or so, but, Wilbur started doubting everyone but Tommy and Techno. 

Niki invited I, Eret, Tubbo, Tommy, Wilbur, and Fundy into what remained of her bakery, in secret. Little did we know, a certain somebody was waiting there for us. But, instead of sitting on this sentence i'll let y'all go onto the next one.

"Tubbo, why do you think Niki is inviting us over to the remains of her bakery?" The brunette shrugged his shoulders in response. Not being satisfied I turned around, walking backwards now, and glance at Fundy with a raised brow.

With a sigh he responded with wOrDs, "I couldn't tell you the truth Y/n, In all honestly, I don't even know ma'am."

"Well then. Let's just keep our pace to there, ten bucks says shes pacing around the room waiting for us." A cheerful, but tired voice sounded behind us, Eret.

Nodding we all stopped and waited for him to catch up.

-----------------------------------------On teh walkway leading to teh bakery----------------------------

Something tapped my back, and on instinct, my arm flew backwards, making the person who tapped me, now reside on the floor.

I looked behind me to see Tommy on the floor.

"I'm so *laugh* sorry tom!" 

I helped him up after my laughing fit and looked at him, "We should start getting the bakery, the others went ahead of us ages ago." Tommy nodded, and with a glance, he saw what looked like horns disappearing around the corner, not to be seen again, for a while at least.

He looked down at me, and with a grin he spoke, "Hey, Y/n, I'll race you to the bakery!" 

"Bet." Feet pattered down the walkway as the two ran towards the sweet smell of the bakery.

------------------------------------At the bakery (idk man, i suck at writing lmao------------------------

Niki turned around upon hearing the bell to the door ring, seeing the h/c girl push the blonde out of the way to get in first. Letting out a laugh "Oh! Y/n, Tommy! Wheres the others?"

I pointed to the door, as if n cue, it opened revealing the brunettes, and an orange fox eared man, earning a chuckle from the blonde-black girl standing behind the counter.

"Niki~!" Boomed a voice from behind us all, making me jump.

Oh ho, big man Schlatt was sitting there with his arms held out to his side with a mischievous smirk. "Schlatt. What are you doin here? This bakery has stated on the signs outside 'Welcomed Only' meaning i didn't welcome you, get out." (✨its my story, i get to choose who gets angy✨)

Fundy and I summoned our swords from the inventory and held them out in front of us, standing up straight staring at Schlatt. "Wow, you both have some serious guts to defend those losers." He glanced around, his eyes finally landing on Will.

"Fundy, Y/n, why do you still hang around these losers? When you could come hang out with the cool kids." Schlatt advertised with hands on his hip and in front him.

Will looked at us through furrowed brows.

"Schlatt. I believe you'd treat us better than these losers, correct Y/n?" The fox eared man glanced over in my direction, earning a dissatisfied grunt and eyeroll.

"Y/n.. Fundy..? You both aren't actually traitors, are you.?" came the deep voice of wilbur from behind us.

Looking back to them keeping the sword infront, "No. I'm not at least, but Wilbur, your son, he just might be."

Fundy's ears snapped back with a twitch. "Traitor, me? Im pretty sure I wasn't the one in kahoots with schlatt just days ago!"

Ground shaking as the fox-man tumbled to the ground, sword landing a few feet away. "Now listen here Furry. I'd be dead if i was to ever be in kahoots with that thing." with a flick of the wrist, the sword in my hand was now pointing to the ram horned man. With a sigh i continued, "Listen up, If i was to ever kahoot up with him, it'd be for a good reason.."

"Like what, L/n. What would be so important enough to betray Pogtopia? And almost your friends." A certain brunette spoke, causing my head to snap to the side looking directly into those brown eyes.

"Are you doubting importance.? Maybe being the bad guy doesnt sound so bad right now." Earning an overly happy shout from Schlatt, I took off the jacket i donned from l'manberg, and stepped away from fundy, in the process also taking the crown from the brunettes head behind I.

"Well boys, down with Pogtopia. In the wise words of the walmart herobrine, 'It was never meant to be'." Leather boots clacking on the wood as I walked out of the bakery with Schlatt in tow.

"Finally! We're out of there," Y/n looked back at the horned man. "So, what're your plans for the future?" He smirked and opened his mouth to speak.

(904 words)

Haha! Welcome to the end of the story. If you liked it, pls give it a vote, and leave a comment, i need attention. But anyways, thought I'd do a lil end of chapter next chapter thing, so here it is!.

Ph1zA has joined the game-

Thats what everyone saw on the person list, at least. But yet, no one knew it would be him.


"Yes Tommy."

"Will he help us.."

The older brunette replied with a sigh and a short but quick 'Yeah, I believe so Tommy.'

----------------------------------------------End of chapter pog--------------------------------------

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