Chapter five

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We're told that we can use anything we need, and that the supplies is in the storage room. We are each assigned ten people to take care of for the next few weeks. They give us slips of paper with their section number on it. I head to the first curtained off area that is assigned to me and find a little girl, probably around six or seven, lying in a hospital bed. It looks like she's inhaled large amounts of poison, and her leg is bent at a very odd angle. She probably fell off the city's edge.

 I don't know too much about healing, but I know the basics, and I can always ask an older employee. We will also be trained every day after work.

No one has even begun to take care of the girl, there are so many injured in the hospital. I run to the storage room and grab a cast for her leg. When I get it, I begin to treat her. She is covered in blood, sweat, and vomit. She is as pale as snow and hot to the touch. 

I apply the cast to her leg and give her some fever medicine. When I am finished doing that I head to the next section on my list. A man is in this one, he looks about thirty. He has obviously inhaled poison, also, though not as much as the little girl has. I give him the same fever medicine I gave the girl, along with a simple pain killer. 

There isn't a cure for Bombae, the sickness caused by the poison from the bomb, but it generally isn't fatal once the fever calms and the poison is extracted.

The next patient has a similar illness as the man. She has a mild case of Bombae. I give her fever medicine and painkiller, and, after seeing her throw up six times, a bucket.

At noon, I head to the lobby, where they hand me my food rations for lunch. I eat it hungrily and then begin handing out lunch to everyone in the hospital.

When I reach the girl I was taking care of, I feel her head. It's still warm, but not as much as before. I smile, and hand her her food. She smiles back and says, "Thank you." 

This is why I wanted to work at the hospital. To save lives. That's what I'm doing now.

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