Until We Meet Again🫱🏾‍🫲🏻

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**** Just so you all know ****

**** Will and Crimson's first meeting happens BEFORE he gets the ever adorable Winston ****


Hannibal was upset that the dinner party was the last time he ever saw Crimson his mind constantly went back to their exercise in the kitchen and he would slide his fingers over the scars that were left by her teeth and short yet well kept nails he started to feel upset when they started to fade and tried hard to forget about her it had worked for awhile that is until he saw her again 7 almost 8 years after the dinner party (hopefully I have done my math right Hannibal's 1st episode was aired on April 4, 2013 and Mads Mikkelsen was born on November 22, 1965 [which {by my computers calculator} would make him close to 48 years old at the time it aired and how I got his age was I subtracted the year he was born from the year the show 1st aired and since I have no idea how old Hannibal is])....

Will Graham frantically searched for his dogs calling them all by name as he ran through the large field near his home and when he finally finds them he sees them surround something that is of a blood red color and he tries to pull them off whatever it was and is shocked to find that it is a young woman no older than 34 years old "I'm sorry I was just so.... cold!"  the woman whispers in the most soft beautifully seraphic voice he has ever heard he chuckles softly then replies with a smile "it's alright.... I'm Will"  she introduces "Crimson"  he looks at her oddly his eyebrows scrunch up curiously "my mothers favorite color was red and she lacked an imagination!"  she explains he laughs then says "it's nice to meet you Crimson.... would you like to come in for some tea or coffee maybe hot cocoa? it might help you warm up"  she shakes her head then replies "no thank you.... I have to get home.... I'm supposed to babysit one of my neighbors kids"  he's face shows his relief "invite me for a drink but don't want to keep me huh Will!?!"  she teases he looks at her oddly then sees her smile and he laughs then replies "yeah.... kinda!"  she laughs and he reaches down then helps her up "I have a minute or so to spare.... as long as you don't live too far away I might just take you up on that drink offer"  she says he smiles then he and his dogs lead her to his home which indeed wasn't too far away "if you don't mind me asking.... what are you doing so far away from civilization!?!"  he asks as they walk "walking.... I parked my truck a few miles back then.... I don't know all of the sudden the urge to get some fresh air came over me so I parked along the side of the road then just wandered.... hopefully my truck will be alright"  she replies he chuckles then says with a smile "I'm sure it'll be fine.... you got your keys right?!"  she pulls her keys out of her jacket pocket and wiggles them in front of him making him laugh Will wondered how she had gotten so cold that she needed his pups to warm her up she seemed bundled up quite well for the cool winter weather as they walked they ended up chatting and getting to know one another they didn't go into full detail about their lives but they talked about family, pets, where they lived, how they liked living there and when they got to his house he started a fire in the fireplace.... which he rarely uses.... then goes to make them some hot chocolate and they continue their conversation from where they left off before they entered the house he even covered her up with a soft and fluffy flannel pattern blanket to help her warm up quicker he knew that he could trust her for dogs were excellent judges of character.... Crimson and Will became instant friends there was a slight possibility that Will may have developed a crush on the redheaded woman with chocolate colored skin as a matter of fact she was the one woman he didn't mind making eye contact with he and his pups walked her to her truck and watched her drive away with a smile and a wave she had promised to visit as often as she could and swore that she wouldn't allow his pups to make him worry like they did when they first met ever again which made him chuckle.... a few months later Will learns something that surprises him he learns that Crimson and Hannibal were already acquainted....

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