👀Do You See Me!?!👀

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"I'm glad you came"  Will says softly as he, Andrew and Crimson head back to the truck "I'm glad you allowed us to drag you to the "not so fun fair"!"  Crimson replies leaning her body up against his arm as she hugs it he chuckles "we should do it again sometime"  she says as she lets go of his arm "yeah!"  he whispers softly with a smile then he looks at her and says "hey thanks for....!"  she smiles then replies "don't thank me it was Andrew's idea!"  he looks at her with a shocked expression on his face "I think that means he forgives you!"  she whispers softly as though telling a secret he chuckles then hugs Andrew to his side and says as he kisses the top of the boys head "thanks buddy you have no idea how much I needed that!"  Andrew smiles up at him he was happy that both Will and Crimson were happy once again and that he was the reason for their happiness.... Crimson drives Will back to his place then ushers his pups into the back of her truck and takes them with her and Andrew back to their home.... a few weeks later Crimson shows up at Will's door and says "come on Will you're taking me dancing!"  Will looks at her with a smile on his face and says with a chuckle in his tone "oh I am am I!?!"  she nods with a smile and replies "the FBI is having a charity function and I am going to be your date.... and no Jack did not talk me into this!"  he chuckles softly with a smile and she says with a smile of her own "think of it this way Will.... you take me dancing and you finally get to see me in a dress!"  he raises an eyebrow at her and chuckles "oh and here!.... not sure if you need it but Sarah bought this thinking it was for women and I'd rather not see it go to waste"  she says handing him a gift he carefully takes it from her and opens it then asks with a chuckle "have you been talking to Hannibal?!"  she replies "not in a little over a month why?!"  he looks at her oddly then shakes his head and says "he may have mentioned how displeased he was with my aftershave"  she replies "yes he is quite particular about his scents huh?!"  he chuckles "so.... pick me up at 6?!"  she asks he smiles and nods she kisses his cheek then leaves petting each of his pups on her way out the door he shakes his head with smile and a chuckle as he watches her leave then goes to find some place to put the bottle of aftershave she had given him.... a few nights later Will shows up at Crimson's front door in a suit his eyes widen at her beauty when she opens the door and sees her in a long sequined/lace gown "ready!?!"  he asks nervously she smiles and his heart beats rapidly at the sight as she replies "of course"  she walks over to him shutting the door behind her and loops her arm through his "I should have brought flowers!"  he scolds himself softly through his teeth "so I can watch them wilt with time?! or perhaps make potpourri?! nah.... next time bring chocolates so they can melt in my mouth AND my hands!"  she teases softly he chuckles.... Will and Crimson weren't the only ones at the FBI Charity function Jack and his wife along with the rest of the team and their dates were there as well but so was Hannibal with his therapist Dr. Bedelia Du Maurier Hannibal did not seem happy whatsoever that Crimson was with Will and he watched their every move with narrowed eyes.... Will was extremely nervous when he and Crimson "had" to dance "to keep up appearances" the closeness of their bodies didn't help much nor did the fact that he knew Hannibal was watching their every move but she made it easier for them to flow as one by somehow "magically" calming him down as they moved like the flow of a gentle stream and everything became more natural it was as though she was somehow sending her calm nurturing nature to him with every graceful stroke of their feet like a paintbrush on a canvas creating the most beautiful piece of art the world has ever seen she made it easy for him to forget the rest of the world and only focus on them and he found that he liked it.... "I had a good time"  Will says softly as he stands at Crimson's front door after the dance was over she smiles a replies "we should do it again sometime.... it doesn't necessarily have to be a dance but....!"  he chuckles his eyes widen when he feels her lips lightly press up against his "goodnight Will"  she says softly once she lets his lips go "sweet dreams Crimson"  he replies trying to get over the shock of the fact that she full on KISSED him he watches her walk into her house then heads to his car and drives home.... "putting on a show are we!?!"  Crimson hears Hannibal say with a mocking tone as she walks into her living room the next day "I'm not you Hannibal I don't "put on shows"!"  she replies unaffected by his assumption "Will needs a real friend one who doesn't use him for their own personal gain! someone to be the light in his darkness! you shine enough light in yours so that you are not blinded by your surroundings just by the reality of them!.... you understand him he understands you he just doesn't know that he understands you because you keep him blind enough that he only sees what you want him to see and when that veil is lifted.... how do you think he'll react?!.... you've got him so twisted and trapped in his own mind that he won't be able to think for himself!.... odd how I fell in love with the opposite of you huh?!"  he asks as though he can't believe what he's hearing "you're in love!?!"  she replies "I believe I need something.... softer more.... gentle in my life! someone who will never lie to me!.... and don't tell me that you won't because you lie to everybody!"  he says softly sliding his knuckles along her cheek as he looks deep into her eyes his full of love hers full of somewhat the opposite of that more anger than hate "I can be soft!"  she replies "no you can't Hannibal! your softness is as fake as the rest of you!"  he tries not to get angry as he lowers his hand "you WILL let me have this Hannibal!"  she tells him "oh will I!?!"  he just about mockingly replies with a dangerous smirk "yes!.... you know what they say "if you love something let it go".... I want to be FREE Hannibal! free from all the pain you make me feel!.... if only for a little while.... you and I both know that once his world become too dark for even him to handle he will do everything to push me away.... and it isn't like I went straight to him after leaving you.... I waited at least a month before doing that!"  she says ending with a tease/joke he chuckles as he became so aroused by her that he tries to fight the urge to kiss her he loves it when she's angry with him he loves her when she's ANYTHING with him and it was becoming really hard not to force her to love him once again but he promised her and himself that she was going to be something entirely different from everyone else something MORE than anyone outside his own biological family something MORE than anything and everyone in HIS world! "I've seen you at your worst.... I have yet to see you at your best.... and no I'm not talking about your "Chesapeake Ripper" persona! I'm talking about YOU as a person not as some form of "meatsuit"!"  she says he chuckles "I still love you Hannibal.... I will always love you but I need to see what it's like to.... be something different!.... to love and be loved a different way.... please Lect!.... let me have this!"  she begs softly he smiles a small smile and replies "ok.... on one condition.... you allow me to see you and Andrew again"  she chuckles softly with a smile then says "you know for a intelligent man you really are at times quite stupid!"  he cocks an eyebrow at her "he's not MY son!.... you could have easily called up Sarah and had her bring him over you do have her number.... and from what I understand she misses your cooking"  she tells him he chuckles then says softly "but I want YOU to bring him!"  she replies "it's been a month since you've seen him Hannibal.... how do you think that makes him feel!?! aren't you curious if he wonders if you're mad at him or if he did something wrong!?!.... he was raised by his mother longer than he was ever watched over by me!"  he looks at her sadly then says "I will have to rectify that"  she smiles and replies "please do!.... make a day of it.... just the two of you.... see what life is like with a child for once not a adult who ACTS like a child!"  he chuckles "you have his number as well you know and I do believe he's been waiting for you to call and to afraid to call you just in case you were with a patient at the time he calls you"  she says he smiles then says "there's a small opera happening in a few days.... I would like it if you would come as my plus one"  she smiles and replies "I will think about it"  he takes her hand in his lifts it to his lips and kisses her knuckles then says as he places his other hand over the hand he holds "I'd appreciate it I always enjoy the pleasure of your company"  she chuckles then teases "oh and if I do decide to come.... wear something purple!.... I have yet to see you in purple!"  he chuckles then playfully asks "looking for a new favorite color!?!"  she replies "a person can have more than one favorite color!"  he says with a smile "this is true!"  she says "I suppose you could say I'm trying to broaden my horizon's and fall in love with a rainbow!"  he laughs....

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