Sometimes Daddy's Love Hurts People Without Ever Meaning Too 👨‍👧‍👦💘

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Two nights after that during their evening walk Crimson had to quickly pick up the twins and hold them as a fiery wheelchair zoomed past them and tipped over into the fountain in front of them as soon as it was safe Crimson put Raziel down, pulled her phone out of her pocket and shakingly called Will as she tried very hard not to scream once again like she was on fire "Will!.... there was!!.... there is!!!.... it's too hot Will it's too hot and I can't put it out!!!!"  she says with quick breaths "where are you!?!"  Will asks "taking the twins for a walk.... they like the fountain so I....!"  she replies "I'll be there soon everything will be alright!"  he says she nods even though she knows he can't see it "stay put!"  he tells her "I can't have the twins watch this!"  she replies with a soft breath "I'm on my way!"  he tells her then he hangs up.... a minute or so later Will climbs out of his rental and walks over to where Crimson and the twins stand away from the now smoking body in the tipped wheelchair over the fountain seeing him approach Raziel runs over to him and hugs his hip Will picks him up with a smile and walks him over to his mother and sister and sits with them while they wait for Jack and the other officers to arrive "I'm sorry you had to be put through this again!"  Will tells Crimson as he sits down beside her "I'm used to it but the twins.... they shouldn't have to be subjected to this!.... Hannibal was always so careful not to let them be subjected to this!!"  she replies softly he looks at her sadly and she wraps her arms around him in a hug and as soon as their bodies touched hers relaxed as though he was the water that put out the flames that overcame her and he hugs her back the twins join in on the hug by hugging them both which made the two adults chuckle.... Crimson and the twins went with Will when he went to the hospital to see Chilton who just happened to be the burnt body in the wheelchair the only reason they went was because Crimson refused to leave his side.... that is until he (Will) went into the room to see him (Chilton).... he was her strength when he came to her rescue after she and the twins found the body and she was his strength when Jack spoke to him about Chilton asking for him squeezing his hand gently when she felt him "lose sight of himself" bringing him back and making him stronger.... Will feels Crimson gently squeeze his hand then he hears Jack say "he did Chilton like it looked like you did Freddie Lounds Hannibal said he would in his own way"  Will replies "Hannibal told him to"  Jack asks "you ok?"  Will looks at Crimson who smiles at him then looks behind her at the sleeping twins leaning up against each other with their heads on one anothers shoulder or head and holding one anothers hand while sitting in the chairs by the wall Will's eye follow hers and he smiles then looks at Jack and says "yeah, I'm ok I had the SWAT team"  Jack tells him "Chilton said your name when they brought him into the ER he's trashed you oughta get ready for this"  Will looks at Crimson who smiles and says "I'll call Holden have him pick us up.... we'll be fine as long as you're alright!"  he smiles and kisses her forehead then follows Jack as he watches her take out her phone and call Holden knowing that they were safe made what he was about to do slightly easier somehow he knew he could trust the man after all she wouldn't become a surrogate for just anyone.... a couple of minutes later Holden walks into the ER over to where Crimson and the twins are he gently picks up Mischa and Crimson picks up Raziel at the same time and they carry the twins out to the car then carefully put them in their car seats, buckle them up, climb into the car themselves and drive away.... Crimson made sure she called Will and let him know she and the twins made it home safely which he was grateful for and it helped him have better dreams which was a relief.... "Holden I would like you to do me a favor!"  Crimson says softly as she and Holden stand in the doorway of the twins bedroom watching them sleep "for you.... anything!"  Holden replies with a smile "when the time comes.... I want you to help Will forget about Hannibal and all he has done to him!.... just Hannibal not the twins!.... I know he may eventually have to remember him but.... he deserves better than what has been served to him on a fumbling paper platter!"  she says softly his smile becomes a grin and he replies "of course!"  she looks at him and says "and don't tell Hannibal!"  he laughs then says with a smirk "this should be interesting!"  she leans her back up against the doorframe crosses her legs and says as she looks into his eyes "I saved you you know?!"  he copies her motion and says with a raised eyebrow "how so!?!"  she slides her hand over her stomach and says "Hannibal's claimed me as his from the moment I met him and in so doing that means everything I help create no matter what it is!.... the baby.... or babies will be yours but since they came from me part of you will always be as well.... that's the one thing he never messes with.... children.... just adults after all we're more fun!"  he chuckles....

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