Don't Forget To Take My Heart With You When You Go💔

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Will got a few days glimpse of what it was like to be a dad before the real nightmare began when a body somehow folded like origami into a heart stands over the picture of a skull on the chapel floor.... Will was shocked to see two familiar women standing by the door of the police department after he was done being questioned each woman held one of the twins in their arms and they both had red hair and a different version of violet eyes though he could have sworn the one holding his son had brown hair and blue eyes before and now she has ruby red hair and lilac eyes and he chuckles somewhat hilariously when he sees her smile at him "Will!?!"  Crimson says nodding over to the Inspector who would just not leave him alone he turns to look at him and sees Crimson walk over to him (Will) and feels her kiss his cheek softly "we'll wait outside and you can ask any question you'd like"  she whispers into his ear in Lithuanian he chuckles then turns his head and kisses her lips.... man did he miss that feeling.... then he sadly watches her and a redheaded Abigail walk outside with the children in their arms he of course never got a chance to meet up with them for the persistent Inspector wouldn't let him go and made him go with him back to the chapel.... "Will!?!"   Will hears Crimson say softly as he gets trapped in his own mind once again he wakes up gasping when he feels her hand touch his shoulder "the Stag's back huh!?!"  she asks softly he nods while gasping for breath he looks up and sees Abigail holding Raziel and Crimson holding Mischa and he asks as he catches his breath "why Raziel!?!"   she replies "if what I read is right Raziel is the "Keeper of Secrets" and the "Angel of Mysteries" his name means "secret of God" in Hebrew origin it seemed to fit our family quite nicely for his sister's father is a man of many secrets so that he will always remain a mystery, sometimes I wonder if he even knows himself anymore!.... I have a feeling he lost himself after his sister died or maybe he never truly had himself....!"  she pauses then says in a low soft tone "no wonder we get along so well!"  Will chuckles then he asks as he looks over at Abigail "h-how!?!"  Crimson replies "I sent her off to a private school in Italy.... unfortunately the only way she would be able to go is if Abigail Hobbs died.... twice apparently.... so that Hannah Azrael-Lecter could live.... hopefully once!"  Abigail went from smiling to looking at them in surprise to softly chuckling with the surprise still apparent in her eyes and she whispers softly with a surprised tone "so that's why he's looking at me like that!?!"  Crimson nods then says "I could understand the first time around.... everyone had to be affected by that death but the second.... the second might have been a way that he could keep control continue to leave a very affective mark not only on your brain but your heart!.... I'm pretty sure the first time you saw her when you woke up wasn't actually her she's been our babysitter when we need one.... which surprisingly isn't that often!"  Will chuckles "for some reason he doesn't want that control with me.... he doesn't want me to have my freedom either!"  Crimson says Will chuckles then replies with a smile "then you're the lucky one!"  she says "yes, but only because I got four for the price of one!"  Will laughs and he takes Raziel from Abigail when he sees the young man reach for him and say "da-da"   Will smiles as Crimson says with a smile of her own "it seems he already knows you"  Will chuckles then asks "did you take Winston's stuffie from him?!"  she chuckles then replies "no.... but I did make a blanket from a few of your shirts.... with the aftershave Sarah gave you of course so Hannibal didn't try to burn it because he "didn't like the smell"!"  he laughs then asks after a short pause "where have you been!?!"  she replies "you know I can't answer that!.... you have to find him on your own or it looks like your not really looking for him.... he wants YOU to find him on your own!.... no clues, just the mighty prowess of your Special Agent detective tracking skills!"  he chuckles then says "well asking is a part of detecting"  she replies with a smile "no that's cheating!"  he laughs then asks after a short pause "is anyone with you!?!.... wherever you are!"  she playfully clamps her mouth shut pressing her lips tightly together as though they had been superglued shut making him smile then she says "if you truly think about it you already know the answer to that question for there are so few of us he's actually close to in his own unique way"  he nods then asks softly "why did you do it!?!.... why did you save her!?!"  Abigail looks at Crimson in a way that showed that she also wanted to know the answer to that question "for you!.... everything I did for her was for you!"  Crimson replies softly "I knew how close you had gotten from the very start and even though she wasn't what you wanted her to be, what your mind perceived her to be.... a truly innocent young girl with no blemishes no matter what kind of person her father was! but you should have known that wouldn't be true for anyone would do anything to stay alive! we all fear the beauty of death and though we know it is inevitable we never want to face it we always want to keep on living!"  she adds he wraps his arm around her and pulls her close to him and she lays her head on his shoulder and feels her son gently grip and squeeze then let go of her hair over and over and over again making her chuckle softly....

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