Set Fire🔥 To The Rain⛈️

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"The world feels empty here without him in it"  Crimson says softly as she sits across from Hannibal in his office he smiles a small sad smile "are you sure you want me sitting here?!"  she asks "you're now the closest thing I have to him"  he replies "and who's fault is that!?!"  she asks he slides off his chair and kneels before her sliding his hand up her cheek as he says softly "don't say that!"  she replies "why not!?! it's true!.... are you telling me you want me to lie now!?!"  he asks "haven't you been already!?!"  she replies "I've never lie to those I care about! I tell Will everything he needs to know just like I do you, no one ever gives the full truth of who they are and what happens in their lives many like their secrets far too much.... I HATE them!!.... secrets and liars I hate them all!!"  he chuckles "don't you have a judge to kill?!"  she asks he smiles then leans forward and kisses her lips then moves back into his chair and says clasping his hands together on his lap "I have all night"  she chuckles with a small smile which makes him smile they sit there in silence for a few more minutes then they both leave him to do what he needed to do her to go pick up the dogs.... yes even Winston stayed at Sarah and Andrew's when they end up puppy sitting but only because they do a good job keeping him distracted not to mention Andrew is his THIRD favorite human.... and head home.... "I wish I was in there with you"  Will hears Crimson softly say in Lithuanian as he lays on the cot in his cell with his eyes closed his eyes open at the sound of her voice and he sits up then spins around and faces her making sure she was real for he had just woken up from a dream of them making love in that very cell then seeing her disappear as the sound of the door buzzer is heard as well as the sound it makes when it opens then footsteps and his cell door opening "don't....!"  he replies softly in Lithuanian "that isn't what I meant and you know it!"  she says with a smirk he smiles then replies "yeah.... I suppose I do!"  she smiles he reaches through the bars for her and she takes his hand in hers and they sit and chat until they know she has to leave "I wonder if he's attempted to try and learn the language just so he knows what we're saying"  she says he chuckles then replies "probably not it's quite complicated"  she says with a teasing smirk "you learned it!"  he replies with a smile "and just what are you implying Rose!?!"  she smiles and says "oh that's right you have far too much free time on your hands so you have the time to waste to learn it quickly!"  he chuckles then they say their "see you laters" and he watches her and Winston leave with sad eyes.... he was surprised she never brought Winston to court with her but she probably figured that Winston would try to walk over to him since the bars that separated them were no longer there so it made sense that she didn't.... Will kept hearing Crimson's calm soothing sensual loving tones call out his name within his mind when he allowed Chilton to "test" him and he saw the ceiling lights started to flicker.... at least in his mind.... as well as the truth of what Hannibal was doing to him his mind kept telling him she was a part of it all for it even showed her there smiling at him, touching him.... his arm and his cheek.... attempting to keep him calm as she always did his heart knew differently for she was never seen by him in Hannibal's office and he knows she rarely ever goes there she also rarely ever goes to his home ESPECAILLY when they (Crimson and Will) started to officially date she seemed to only go if he said it was ok just like the day she walked into a Crime Scene.... before it became a official Crime Scene.... and he told her that he should take her to see him which meant she must have taken that as permission to do so when he found her at Hannibal's office after the attack she seemed unaffected by the dead body on the floor but she was also paying more attention to treating Hannibal's wounds so she had something else to focus on not to mention she was the only thing that stayed clear in his mind when everything became distorted and that's how he knew she wasn't truly there only that he was hoping she was there so he could fight what Hannibal was doing to him more strongly than he did he made sure he never mentioned her to Chilton for he didn't want THAT doctor to be allowed anywhere near her....

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