Ch. 4 Fangirling Over Myself

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Marinettes POV

After the fight

I quickly took off towards my house and released my transformation after falling into my bedroom. I quickly fed Tikki who then proceeded to her little house under my desk. Not five minutes later Alya came flying back through my trap door.

"Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh! Girl you have to see my new video."

"Ok... Wait have you uploaded it to your blog?" the last time Marinette had gotten to see one of Alyas videos she accidently deleted it and it was a total disaster.

"Ya don't worry something this valuable can't get lost."

In the video Ladybug AKA Marinette was seen swinging towards the Cannel Saint-Martin and looked down to see Alya on her bike heading the same direction. Lady bug dropped down beside Alya.

"You need to get to safety." said Ladybug on the recording.

"With all due respect Ladybug I am going to find a way to video you and Chat Noir whether you want me to or not." Even though marinette knew what happened she still had an amazed look on her face. She had become a very successful actress when it came to protecting her identity.

"Ok fine, hold on." Just then Ladybug picked Alya up and put her bike in an alley and together they flew off towards the scene. The rest of the video was of the fight from the rooftop that Ladybug had put her there.

"Wow that is AWESOME!" Marinette could see how much that meant to her best friend and was happy she did it. Alyas excitement radiated off the walls. We continued to fangirl about the video and watch a movie even though we didn't really watch the movie it was nice to have the background noise while we talked. after a while my parents called us down to dinner. We had a huge dinner of leftovers. We had salads soups and a casserole to finish off. When we had finished dinner my phone started to go off; it was Luka. I said goodbye to Alya who had to help watch her little siblings while her parents worked and Nora had boxing. Honestly if Alya had stayed I don't think that I would be able to hide my feelings from her. I still don't know if I like Luka or not but he is incredibly nice and talented, not to mention he has always been there for me when I need him. But I was going out with him this weekend which my parents were very happy about.




Hey, whats up?

Not much hbu?

Alya came over today but that was about it.

Nice I just saw her latest post on the Ladyblog, it was pretty cool.

Ya she was freaking out when she came back from akuma chasing.

HAHAHA I'm sure she did

I honestly wish I had gotten it on video. It was so funny

I'll take your word for it. Are we still on for this weekend?

Ya of course.

Great I'll see you then

Oh my mom's calling me for dinner I'll text you later. Bye Mari.

Ok Bye Luka

I had to pause my blush so that I could go to dinner with my parents. By the time I came back to my room, it was late and the sun was about to disappeared on the horizon. I sighed long and loud as my head hit my pillow.

"I'm guessing that was Luka." Tikki flew onto my pillow beside me. She gave me a knowing look and she just giggled. 

"Tikki what should I do, I mean, I still have feeling for Adrien but now I'm starting to have feelings for Luka and I can't tell whether I like him or if he's just a friend." I looked over to the little being beside me waiting for an answer.

"Well I might have to answer that later look at the time." I look at the clock.

"Oh no I totally forgot Patrol with Chat, shoot. Okay Tikki, spots on" and with that I swung off my balcony towards the Eiffel Tower.


Adriens POV

After the fight

After I took the young lady home I quickly rushed back to the photoshoot and we finished up. Then I was rushed home for my piano and Chinese lesson. Once that was done and everyone had left Plage came flying out of my bag.

"That was boring." he always say the most obvious things. Then he flew over to his cheese and began to eat, I only rolled my eyes and got to work on homework. But no matter how hard I tried to work on my school work, I couldn't get what happened at school that day out of my head. 'she didn't stammer' I kept thinking. It was weird, she always stammered around me and I always thought i just made her nervous because I'm a celebrity but turned out she liked me. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she had a crush on me and for how long? I kept thinking and thinking, and staring at the clock for when it was time for patrol with m'lady. Finally the time came I quickly transformed and flew over the city to the Eiffel Tower. As usual m'lady wasn't there. I just chucked to myself and sat down waiting for her to come.

Third Person POV

Ladybug shot towards the Eiffel Tower and gracefully landed next to her partner in black. 

"Hey Kitty"

"Hey Bugaboo"

"Chat! You know I don't like that nickname."

"Aww but it's cute when your flustered."

"Ugg whatever lets get started on patrol" And they were off. It took them about an hour to complete patrol since they decided to split up. There was only a few petty crimes that they stopped but other then that there was no problems. Ladybug and Chat Noir meet back up at the Eiffel Tower to give each other a status report then they would sit and talk for a little but lately the both of them had work that needed to be done so they hadn't been talking for a while.

"Hey Ladybug can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure, is something wrong?"

"No, no, no, I just... I found out that a girl at my school likes me or at least she did and I always just saw her as a friend but now, I'm noticing things that I hadn't seen before about her."

"Sounds like Chat Noir has a crush." ladybug raised her eyebrows and leaned toward Chat Noir.

"No, she just a friend and besides you have taken my heart." he tried to rap his arm around her but she pushed it away.

"It's kind of funny actually cause I have been have mixed feeling about two guys. There both gentlemen and kind generous talented but I can't tell if I have feelings for the second guy or if he's just a friend."

"Oww, it pains me to hear that two boys have your heart and neither are me."

"Chat come on."

"Ok ok, you should figure out which one you like cause the longer that you lead them on the harder it will be for both of you if you break it off."

"Thanks Chat. Oh no I've gotta go. See you tomorrow Kitty."

"Until tomorrow m'lady" with that the two went their separate ways.

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