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For Joseph.

Look up at the vast expanse called the sky,
and fly, fly like your life depends on it;
fly like it's the only thing keeping you alive.
And soar, soar towards the horizon
of a plethora of pastels and rich hues of c o l o u r.
Soar not because they tell you to; soar because you c a n.
Let not the wind or the rain or the sun or the moon guide you,
nor misguide you.
Go wherever your adrenaline-pumping heart wants;
do whatever you so wish
and never let anything - not the
misery induced nights
or the pain possessed days -
ever drown you
or take the life away from you.
Always into the storm, and through the haze.
Smile and be strong;
be courageous.
And do not let the demons in your head or the demons around you
ever bring you down and destroy you.
Never let the contorted illusions of f e a r
consume you.
Fly, soar
And never lose f a i t h .

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