Doctor Who: The Other

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Doctor Who: Series 11

Episode 12:

The Other

Written by Zachary Denoyer

All rights belong to BBC Studios


Gallifrey wasn't always a place of strictly war or peace. It was rather both throughout its long history in the Cosmos. Even though Rassilon was one of power and function, there were the others within Gallifreyan society that shaped the world in which exists today.

Even though Gallifrey and Rassilon want to believe their reign and view is solid enough to fight for peace, it wasn't. The rule of Gallifrey was always going to falter, just like anything in the Universe.

But it would take centuries of change and the pain of others for Gallifrey to become what it is today. So many would lose. So many would die. All in the future namesake of the Time Lords.

What would truly change it though wasn't a cult, a broken leader, or a mad scientist. It was the others within society. The many who were glossed over by the pompous and overzealous.

For the Other wasn't always an important figure for Gallifreyan society. It took a tragedy to give him the strength to do what was right. The strength, and Patience.

Chapter 1 – The Schism

6 Years Later...

A man entered the Temporal Extrapolation Laboratory. He was short, old, had balding white hair, but had a rather jovial look about him. "How goes things, Omega?" the man asked.

"Ah! Other!" Omega gleamed. "Trials and tribulations my friend. Nothing has changed. Half a decade later and vision is still a horrid argument! Vandekirian has been pushing hard for his 'Star Gripper' name, but I'm rather partial to 'Hand of Omega'." He laughed. "Reminds me of why I chose my name and how this machine works using Zero Null Wave Forms to hold energy in a Temporal prison!"

The Other looked over the huge machine but noticed another one about a mile down the huge room. "Is that another one? Why two?"

Omega took a wave lift quickly to the floor. "Yes, two. It takes two hands to hold something as powerful as a Population III Star. The two 'hands' hook together and are dispersed once a target is set. We've already tested it on a few smaller stars."

"Oh, any luck?"

"Yes and no. Lots of particle destabilization and erratic quantum coupling. But it's because these machines are made for something much bigger."

A pile of notes caught the Other's eye. He looked them over. "What's this? Looking to the future already?"

"That? It's my study of Fourth-Dimensional engineering. Mainly how to make something 'bigger on the inside' using temporal and dimensional stabilizing and warping. I just can't get the formula right for a machine to be able to handle the computational action necessary for dimensional synthesis." He shook his head, wanting to laugh. "It's a far off idea anyways."

"Hmm," the Other gleamed, "Maybe it might have to be living to process something as complex as these block transfer calculations. This type of thinking is almost magical. What gave you the idea?"

Omega seemed pleased with the idea. "Hold on, you said living? That's not out of the realm of possibility. It would take complex genetic algorithms to weave a DNA strand capable of supporting a brain of such power but—"

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