Chapter 18

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Lilly's pov

I'm taken to Markus's car and in the back seat and I couldn't get out as Markus quickly got in the driver's seat and locked all the doors

He drives off and it was silent until he spoke

"you shouldn't have done that Lilly you know what Xavier is like he wants to...."

I interrupted him

"he wants to kill Jason, I know that but I won't let that happen"

He shakes him as he drives

"Lilly you won't be able to safe him, after that stunt you pulled you had just given him his death warrant as Xavier won't let him live"

Tears run down my face as I know Markus is right, I've just killed my best friend

Silence takes over again and as we were almost out of the city when out of nowhere the car was hit and I blacked out

When I woke up I quickly sat up, I'm in a hotel room, I look around the room and saw no one, until a door opened and there stood Jason

I didn't know what got into me but I rushed over to him and hugged him, he wraps his arms around me and I break down in his arms.

Once I had calmed down I pulled away and looked at him

"I'm so sorry Jason this is all my fault if I hadn't asked you to meet up with me, this would have never happened"

Jason wiped away a tear that slipped down my cheek

"Lil it's ok I wanted to see you, I don't regret it"

He hugs me again and I held onto to him

"Lilly we can't stay here long I have a plan but you need to trust me"

I look up at him in confusion

"What is your plan?"

He walks over to a bed and pulls out a small bag underneath it, he then hands it to me

"Take this, it has about 5 grand inside, it will be enough for you to start your new life"

I don't take the bag as I look at him still confused

"No Jason I can't take this, you should take it and start a new life far away from here"

He shakes his head and puts the bag in my hand

"No Lilly it's yours, you deserve a better life than this, you don't belong in his world. I know I don't have a chance with you and I've accepted that but I won't let him have you"

I shake my head and hand him back the bag

"No I can't Jason, I love him and even if I tried he won't let me go, so you take the money and start a new life"

Jason takes my hand and puts the bag in my hand

"Lilly don't fight me on this, I want you to be happy and even tho you love him that doesn't mean you will be happy with him, you've seen what he is capable of. So please do this for me and take the money"

"What about you, come with me and we both can start a new life"

A tear comes down his face

"No Lilly I've only bought one bus ticket for you and it will be best for you to go on your own, while I stay here and distract Xavier"

I knew he was right and tears run down my face as I know what will happen to him, Jason pulls me into his arms as I cry

"I want you to do this please Lilly for me"

I nod my head as he holds me


Jason's Pov

an hour later

I drive Lilly to the bus station and makes sure she gets on the bus, I wanted to go with her and she begged me to come with her but I wouldn't. I gave her a one last hug knowing it will be the last, getting in my car I drive off and didn't look back.

Once I got back to the hotel, I grab out my phone and call Xavier, he picks up on the first ring

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Wow that's a great way to greet a person who has your girl"


I grip the phone tightly

"She is far away from you, that's all you need to know"

"You better tell me where she is or....."

I interrupt him

"Or what kill me, well I wouldn't care now, because my Lil is safe and far away from you"

"She only safe with me and I will get her back and as for you Jason I'll make you only wish for death once I'm done with you"

I laugh at what he said

"Xavier I know you will kill me but what's the fun in that if I don't make a run for it before you catch me"

I hang up and grab my stuff and left the room...


Lilly's Pov

I watched Jason walk away as the bus drove off, my heartache as I know I wouldn't be seeing Jason again, I know Xavier would think that I'm with Jason and when he finds out that I'm not he will not only kill Jase but do unspeakable things to him, tears run down my face as I cried in silence.

 I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up the bus had stopped and I look out the window, It's night time, I looked down at my watch and it said 8:30 pm, then I hear the bus driver say we are in L.A.


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