Chapter 19

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Tebogo's POV

Tau's mom enters the throne room and she runs to me and hugs me "Sunset greetings Tebogo, how are you "

"I'm very  good your majesty." I bow to show her respect. Tau's mom was so different from his father , she was kind , sweet and very  humble to no matter who you are.

"When? how ?with who did you get here?" she says .

"Well your majesty your son brought me here." I say not wanting to say more then what Tau had told both his parents.

"Well let me get you to your room , I hope you won't mind." She did not give them the chance  to reply to her statement.

"It seemed I had come just in time." Tau's mom says .

"Your majesty it was surely ,you saved me from a heated discussion " I say in simply words .we got to the room Tau's mother said I must sit on the bed .

"Look Tebogo I'm no fool I know there is something going on between you and my son , and since he brought  you here it means your pregnant with my grandchild." I look down remembering how my own family reacted to everything.

"Well Tebogo I like you and I wish it was possible for my son to marry you but his father would never approve him marrying a commoner." Tau's mother said looking at me apologetically.

"Well ma'am don't worry  I understand and truly speaking I'm not expecting him to marry me I'm just here for our son." Although, I knew me and Tau could never be anything serious it hurt. Rejection would always be my friend and I was learning to live with  it .


I heard a knock at the door and I took out my phone to check on the time and it was three AM . I was Scared at who this could be . Maybe its Tau's father wanting to finally kill me after yesterday. I plugged out the lamp on the table and went to the door for protection.

"Who is it and why so late" I shouted at the person behind the door .

"Tebogo I don't have times for your games, please open." I heard Tau's voice , he did not have to be a jerk about it .I opened the door .

"What do you want? " I ask.

"We are going to the graveyard where the the great Lerumo kings are, so put these on." he gave me a white cloth to tie around my body , what if Tau brought me here to kill me and make rituals with my unborn baby . None, the less that thought died inside.

I finally was ready , I followed Tau to go met with the rest of his family. I only saw the king and the queen,  normally if a child is being introduced to the gods a big celebration occurs but since I'm not royalty we are doing everything secretly.  Which I hated because it made me feel less important  and my child less important.

We all walked to the gate and they all got out when it was my turn Tau tried to stop me . "Tau let go of me this is just a gate " I said not understanding the concept of the gate .

"Let her pass son I want to see how she did it " Lerumo's father said.

" Father she could die  it's too risky for her to pass especially at this time." Tau said concerned  , as they were arguing I decided to go through the gate and join Tau's mom .

"How did you do that ." The queen looked at me surprised.

"Do what ?" I asked .

"Pass through the gate. " What! there is that question again , how do people pass through the gate in this kingdom do they fly or something .I chose to keep quiet .After the king and Tau finished arguing  they looked at me surprised.

We walked to the graveyard  it was far and my feet were hurting  at the same time I was feeling cold . I decided to sit on the log by the road side ."what now " Tau said irritated.

"I can't walk anymore " I said feeling a little dizzy . I wasn't used to walking such distances especially when I'm pregnant.

"Get on my back "Tau said.

"How is that going to happen with my big belly , you know what it's fine I'll walk " I said standing  up .

After what felt like a million years we finally got to the graveyard. To be honest I don't believe in the dead because in my religion we don't visit graveyards . I was a little skeptical as to what was actually going to happen  .

The king led the way and started  walking in the trail we were walking on suddenly grew flowers as he was walking  I was still standing there surprised at all. "What's going on " I asked Tau.

"He is going to go in first then my mother , then me to ask the gods to open the pathway for you since you are not royalty." There is it with that word again 'royalty'.

They all went in as the queen went in I saw butterflies around her leading her and when Tau went in  great roars of what sounded like lions could be heard. Surprisingly instead of feeling scared at these informal events  I was fascinated .

I was waiting outside the grave yard this time I didn't enter before I was told because I didn't want to be asked how I entered through a simply gate. Later Tau came to fetch me as I was walking in the path changed to pure gold it was beautiful  .

I went down  on my knees to touch it , it felt real under my fingers . Tau looked at me surprised . "Whoa you must be really special this is the second time in history this has happened." he says wow .The king looks at me surprised but he keeps quiet this time.

"The great kings of the Lerumo  kingdom  we are here to bring forth Tau's unborn child " he said while lighting what seemed to be a Bush to me on the plate which produced smoke .

"Tau has made a terrible mistake,  he mated with a non royal , please my great father's turn your faces to this mistake and do not punish him" he says .

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