chapter 11

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Hey readers I am seeing that people are interested in this book, so I have decided to publish the chapters week by week ( this book has been long written and completed) .

My inspiration to publish more of its chapter comes from MiMiAHQ  .

Thanks readers

Tau's POV

I was really angry at myself for doing this to Tebogo my mother would be really disappointed in me she taught me better and I disappointed her , I remember when I first saw her I thought she was really beautiful and I wanted to take off everything there and then .

Then she came and sat on my lap which surprised me because she didn't come across to me as that kind of girl , but I understood she was drunk there was something that pulled me towards her if it was any other girl I would have pushed her off because I was really not in the mood that day .

My father had allowed a little girl to get married to someone twice her age all because her family couldn't pay back the man's family ,which when I heard about this, I was really disgusted because at this age and time people still did things like that .

So my good friends Josh and Kyle took me to the club to get things off my mind but it ended up failing because I was too frustrated that I decided to play a game on my phone the whole time .

When I told Tebogo to come with me I didn't think she was going to come but she surprised and came ,when we got home she kissed me and we had sex but I was really surprised when I knew she was a virgin I even saw the blood stain on my sheet to back my suspicions .

That's why I left money for her so that she can quickly leave and want nothing to do with because I didn't want her to think I wanted more just because I took her virginity . But I wanted more of her, and I will get more of her .

When I saw those blue eyes I thought shit this girl just had to work for me then we had that whole argument then she did the oddest thing ever she went on her knees and prayed right there that's how I knew she was different. She was fit to be my queen, but I don't think my father would let that happen.

I stayed close to a week in this city  and went back  to my kingdom for serval months to check on things , that's how my father wanted it to be he said if I wanted to be a great king one day I must know my people. I stay in the village and make sure no one lacks anything  I create jobs and give everyone what a normal person has .

My father made me the decision maker and my first deal as decision maker I got ride of all shacks and built people houses according to the number in their family my maximum was four bedrooms I didn't go beyond  that .I furthermore employed people to make furniture  with their hands for their people  .

Practically I took money out of my own pocket to ensure a better  future for my people  , in those projects if anyone was found taking even one cent that person was dealt with the proper way I always made sure of that .

I was a really busy man dealing with three things at once , first of all I had a lot of businesses I only took over the law firm because my father asked me to, I really didn't want to do law I wanted to do construction work but I was forced by my father king Omatla Lerumo to do law because he did law. I always did everything he wanted me to do .

And now I'm helping my father take over the Letlape kingdom , I did not really know why my father was so obsessed with the Letlape throne I mean it was smaller than our kingdom and it wasn't that rich we were practically the richest kingdom due to our brains.

The Letlape kingdom and my kingdom are enemies . Of course, I heard the story of how they took the thrown from us, but shouldn't our success be our revenge on their faces. I really did not get it. All I was taught growing up was how to scheme so I could take over the thrown right under their noses .

This quality is what got me this far in the business industry I can take anything under anyone's nose and I'm very unpredictable you can say I can adapt to any situation that's why my staff in all my businesses are Well thought and drafted I had a really long thought about how and why someone was working for me .

I can use anyone to do what I want without even asking them . If I want something I go for and I always get what I want but the difference between me and many business men is I know my strengths and weakness hence I've tested every one I work with so I can know exactly who and what they can do and if you are no use to me I fire you on the spot .

For instance Cathy people might see her as a dump head who knows nothing but to be a slut but I see business in her. She is the one that helped me to nail the biggest business tycoons by simply being her .I knew if she kept them happy with what she does she will bring them to my business .

And take Lindy she's hard working determined but she has one weakness that let's her pull customers and make money which is working with all her emotions , she relates with people who are divorced because when she was younger her parents went through a really hard divorce which left them with nothing her father walked with everything with the other woman . She makes sure she works hard to get the lady or man what they deserve always and sometimes more.

I know everything most people steal from my company but I let that slide because they are making me the money they steal without knowing they stealing their hard work. But once they start not making me money, I pull my cards, and they cramble .I love to see it happen since these people think they are smarter than me .

Every single person around me has a purpose let's take Josh he gets me in contact with oversea businesses without even knowing and Kyle he publishes good things about all my businesses promoting them for free ,all I have to do is tell him about my business ventures indirectly and boom he writes about it .

I feed him just enough information to make him think his in the game, but they all don't know. I've been in this game for all my life since I could walk. They are all so stupid that they always do things that would make anyone with my power react, but I don't, and they never ask themselves why .

Tebogo His Tswana Queen Where stories live. Discover now