chapter 23

401 37 14

Tebogo's POV

Everyone has gone now because they think I might attack them. The only person left is Tau , his sitting  next to me, trying to put together what was happening. "Tebogo, what's going on with you,  since we came, you have been acting  crazy ."

" You even attacked  our traditional healer," he said, looking at me .

" I'll answer all your questions, if you take me somewhere  " I look at him, hoping he will lean on my side .

" Where do you want  to go?" he asks with doubts

"Let's go, but just know we will need a car," I said .

I asked him to follow me as we were walking. we saw the family sitting in the dining area looking really worried, even Bongo was there . There is that witch how dare she lay a finger on Bongo.

I simply looked at the king, not having any interest in what he said , If he wasn't going to respect me, I was not going to respect him either . I walked past them with no explanation  .

We drove a long distance without even  talking to each other . I did not know the exact place we were going  to, so I turned on google Maps on my phone, and I kept on directing him .

" Tebogo, we can't  pass this way," he said, and I looked at him confused.

" Why can't we pass this way?" I asked.

" we can't pass through our enemies' territory."I looked at him, but I remembered what my great grandmother said .

"Tau, do you want me to tell you everything or not?" I asked.

"Tebogo, this is stupid. we might get our self's killed !" he said .

"Tau, this is my only chance to finally meet my biological parents! " I said, really angry at him .

"What do you mean?" Tau asked me .I looked away, not wanting to really tell him everything. Truth is, I don't trust him and his family since I knew they were after my family's throne, and the traditional healer wanted to kill me .

"Answer me, darn it!" he says angrily .

"Look Tau you want the answers you'll just have to trust me , I know as much as you know and I guess when we get there we both will find out , it really has nothing to do with you " I said to him with tears in my eyes. I know I was crazy going there, not ready emotionally,  but I felt I needed to do this as soon as possible.

I needed to act when people were still confused at what was happening. If I made rush decisions, then no one would suspect anything off. People may think I saw something I was not supposed to see, and it scared me. I just needed Tau to get us out of here.

I don't think this was even the best place to process everything. I felt my life was a lie, and more truths are coming out at every second. It was just too much on my mental health. Maybe I was going insane but sanity was not an option in this situation. There was so much more to this that I just could not put it all together.

"Why did I have to come with you if it had nothing to do with me? " wounded by what I just said, he asked .

"Isn't it obvious I need your moral support, I guess you've seen how the people I call family reject me all the time." By this time, tears are falling .

"Tebogo, do you trust me?" says a guy who has been cold towards me .

"Not really , you had a wife, and you didn't tell me . I don't trust you at all, especially after today." Yes its true this guy does not see me as anything,  I mean, he left me at his house, not even checking up on me.

"What happened today?" he asked .

"You brought your witch closer to me, and she tried to kill me and my child," I said bitterly. Maybe it was me being hormonal, but I felt i was being too strong.

"You shouldn't have done that Bongo will kill you." he has no idea who I am .

"Look I'm not scared of your so called Bongo and I won't let her do anything to me or my baby " bongo is crazy if she thinks she can place  a spell on my unborn child just like that .

"You should be. I've seen what she can do," Tau said, seeming a little scared by the memory in his head .

"Well, I'm not , when it comes to my baby, I have to put my fear aside." I simply retort .

"Here we go with all the 'my baby' isn't the child also mine," he asks. Well, he isn't acting like it's his,  all I'm seeing is someone being forced by his father into doing things. Like marrying me, his father told him to do it , it's like he lives his life to please  his father .

"Well, maybe if you showed me that you wanted this  baby, then my sayings would be different," I said to him.

"How don't I show you? I want the baby," he said.

"Like everything you do, it feels like you are forced to do it ,your father controls everything you do." he seemed like this life was his father's, and he had no say in it .

"Well, you are mistaken. My father doesn't like you, but I'm always standing up for you . If I really listened to my father about you , you would be dead by now, "he says .

"The only problem is I cannot disrespect my father infront  of people that's nothing I was taught if I have a problem we settle it aside and yes my father is controlling and just like any other child in the world I love my father and I always want to make him proud . I guess you will never know how I feel since you grew up in a ditch. " shit that last  statement  hurts like crazy that was very low even for him.

This insult was crazy because between me and him, he acted like he owned the world. His life was so perfect, yet he does not seem to own it in any way. His father seems to tell him what to do and when to do it. I might have been abandoned, but he was a slave to his father.

"Wow, I guess I would've  but one thing I know is I'm leaving the life I always wanted to live," I said, looking away from him .

"From where I'm standing the life you are living sucks , I mean you have no friends. No where to go , no job and no one to really love you , no one to make proud and you call that a live " he laughed out loud .

"You know what just shut the hell up and drive stupid whore!" I said not wanting  this conversation to really drag more then it had already did .

"Me a whore?" He asks.

"Yes, you cheated on your wife with me after I asked you if you were married or not." I say.

"You're the whore here, you slept with a stranger ." He says.

"And I wasn't a stranger to you?" I asked him.

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