December 19th, 1987: Pick Up Your Damn Phone

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This novella contains mature language.

The telephone ringing from the living room woke Yua from blissful sleep and she groaned as she rolled over. She wrapped her arm around Jaime as she snuggled in closer to Yua's chest in her sleep. This was something she hadn't expected when they first moved into the same room together. Not after how Jaime had held her all night long after Ryan's attack. Jaime rather enjoyed being the smaller spoon, as she called it, and Yua was very appreciative.

She combed her fingers through her hair and kissed the bridge of her head. Jaime smelled like her shampoo and it sent a smile across her face. A pleasant tingle ran down her spine as the gentle memories of the night prior when Jaime let her reciprocate her feelings played in her mind. Jaime had been so patient, trusting, and it only made this thing between them more firm in Yua's chest, mind... Her entire body altogether. She hadn't ever felt so peaceful, but that phone wouldn't stop its persistent ringing.

Yua began to slide out from under Jaime, sat up and followed the morning light with her eyes. It cascaded along her body revealing the many marks Jaime left on her skin. She traced the various hickies and bite marks with her fingers and felt Jaime's arm tighten along her waist as she woke.

"Shut up... Still sleeping and...too loud." She grumbled against Yua's hip, making her giggle.

After a few moments of coaxing Jaime back to sleep, Yua got up and went to their phone. It had rung twice in a row and she bet whoever it was wouldn't stop until one of them answered. Right on cue, it rang for the third time and Yua heard Jaime begin to grumble from the bedroom once again.

She giggled before picking up the phone and said, "Yes? This is doctor Yua Watanabe. How can I help you?"

"You can start by answering your damn phone when I call." Kevin said from the other end of the line.

"We were a bit...busy." He snickered and she hurriedly changed the topic as images of last night crashed across her mind once more. "Uh, wh-what did you call about...?"

"That good, 'ey?"

"I'm not certain that is any of your business, Detective Welling. But since you were kind enough to ask, yes. Very much so." She waited for him to stop laughing and pushed on. "So, what was it that you needed so early in the morning? I have a complaining Jaime waiting for my return."

"Yeah, yeah. Ryan pleaded guilty. Took the deal offered before we even did anything. It'll make the entire thing so fuckin' easy now. I thought you both would want to know."

"But, the deposition--"

"Don't ask me what happened. They're kind of being hushed about this. I think the higher ups are trying to have less publicity and all that jazz."

"Well, thank you for letting us know, Kevin."

"Kev is fine, you know." He yawned and she heard a small child giggling from the other end followed by a tired laugh from Kevin. "Gotta go, sport. Lily wants to play some sort of tea time thing."

"Enjoy your day off...Kev."

"You too, Doc. I mean, Yua. See you guys later at the picnic." Yua was silent as she racked her brain for some kind of recollection as to what he could possibly mean. "Seriously? Jaime forgot to tell you, didn't she?"

"She has had a lot on her mind."

He laughed even louder and sighed. "Yeah. I bet. Please don't leave me alone with a bunch of stiffs. Carrie will be there, too. She's, uh...c-coming with me." Yua smiled and was about to congratulate him, but he beat her to speaking first with a rush of nervous words. "See you both there. Bye!"

He hung up so fast Yua felt scorched and giggled. She hung up the phone and ran into the bedroom, leaping onto the bed. Jaime stirred and grunted as she leaned over her, running her lips along her cheek and to her ear.

"Wake up, Detective Schmidt. There's something I need from you."

Jaime's eyes snapped open and she gave her a lazy grin, but dropped it when Yua hurriedly stood. She walked to the closet, fully aware of her nakedness yet this time somewhat emboldened by Jaime's eyes burning into her backside, and began to pick out some of Jaime's nicest clothes. When she turned around, she found Jaime caught somewhere between craving awe and distinct alarm.

"Why are you picking out my clothes? Who was on the phone?"




Jaime sat up and cleared her throat as she wriggled around. "Look, I was gonna tell you last night, but we got a little carried away and--"

"Care to start over?"

She pinched the bridge of her nose, then finally admitted, "Dammit... I don't wanna go."

Yua crossed the room and tossed her clothes at her, lingering close to her face. "Do you want more of last night to happen today?"

"Yeah..." Jaime answered through clenched teeth.

"Then, we need to shower again and pick up some picnic stuff from the market." Jaime hung her head and Yua sat down beside her. "Is it because of us?"

"What? No." Jaime wrapped her into a hug and kissed her forehead. "I just don't like being made to feel like every fuckin' eye is on me. It's weird. And I'm...out now, so..."

"Why would their eyes be on you?"

"It's people from work and their families."

"And you feel like they'll judge you for bringing your family?" Despite the seriousness of their conversation, Jaime glowed and let out a cheesy chuckle. "What?"

"You just called yourself my family."

"You're an odd one, Schmidt, but I still love you. Of course you're my family."

Jaime's eyes widened and Yua yelped as she pulled her down to the bed. She began kissing her something fierce and Yua let herself be swept away. Jaime kissed along her neck and groaned as she settled between her legs, but Yua pushed her back.

"Absolutely not."

"What now?"

"I'm still very...stimulated after last night and need more of a recovery." That cheesy chuckle was back and Yua poked Jaime's dimple. She ran her fingers over Jaime's cheek and tucked some of her hair behind her ear, loving the light blush that danced across her face. "You're also quite the pervert, aren't you?"

"Never claimed otherwise. But ya still love me, right?" Yua didn't answer and stared up into her eyes. Jaime became very serious and ran her eyes over her face. "I love you too, Yua."

She shivered and pushed Jaime's clothes out of the way, off the bed and onto the floor. They'd only get in the way up there. "We can be a little late."

Arcane Sequence: 1987 (WLW)Where stories live. Discover now