Save me I'm about to fall (JImmy Sullivan) Hope is all we have left

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(Still Jimmy's P.O.V)

It's been days since Amy was first admitted to the hospital. She's shown signs of improvement. He scared her so bad that this happened, I have to stop him and let her know she'll be taken care of and provided for. I know she would want that. More importantly she would want it for Cheyenne.

Libby's been here a long time since we told her. Cheyenne too, She's so little and doesn't understand, Sometimes I think it's a good thing because she won't be able to know the horror of what he mother went through.

"Coffee" Roxii said. I didn't see her standing there. she's been affected the most by this, I wonder why,

"Yeah, sure thanks Roxs" 

I should ask her if she knows anything more about Amy Or Todd. Or anything that I don't know

"Roxii, I've been meaning to ask you, Do you know anything about Todd?" Her face became white. She knew something,

"Jimmy, you should really hear this from Amy, But I'm sure it would be easier for her to explain if Someone else already said something." 

"How so?" I asked. I knew all that Amy told me, The beatings and about her daughter. What else is there

"My, Last boyfriend, I never said his name, Because he terrified me too much to even talk about. Johnny knows a brief part of this but not the full thing I am about to explain to you. See, when I met Amy that night at the barbecue Reeghan told me She would be the one to talk to because she and I had things in common, What I didn't know, shocked me, My ex boyfriend and Amy's ex boyfriend are the same man. She and I dated Todd, At different times. When Amy left him he found me at a hair place not too far from here, And the rest is what you know"

I sat there with my mouth wide open, I knew this wasn't a joke but how could this happen, I'm glad someone told me, 

"How's this Possible" I asked

" Who knows Jimmy but Amy Could have gotten tracked down from Todd from me, since I know her he could have followed me around. And it could have led him to find her again"

I was shaken with anger, No longer will I let Todd get to Amy and the Baby, Their safe with me. He's nothing but shit, 

"You seem distraught" She said

"I am. I want to stop him, or better yet, keep the three of you safe"

She laughed at my comment

"There's no need to keep me safe Jimbo, I've got Johnny here, You have to take care of them"

She was right, But how am I going to do that. I need a plan. I better think of one quick

The days dragged on and Still Amy didn't wake up. 

(Amy's P.O.V )

My head was pounding and I could feel something heavy on my eyelids. There was no way of waking up yet, But I could hear Voices

"I am. I want to stop him, or better yet, keep the three of you safe" I head Jimmy say

There's no need to keep me safe Jimbo, I've got Johnny here, You have to take care of them" Roxii Must be with him I wonder what they where talking about

I had to get up. But my mind was stuck in a dream Like state. I wore white and was wondering around waiting for something, maybe it was for me to wake up. who knows, 

"Ah, Mr, Sullivan nice to see you again, You're wife is doing great just waiting for her to wake up then we can run some more test to see if she is alright"

"Thanks doc, Say, when can she come home" Jimmy asked

Wait... Did the doctor say WIFE!

Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now