(Ep 5) Yule Ball

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It's been months since my first day and Pansy has been making my like a living hell. I wanted to see Draco and talk to him about it since they were friends, EW, but I haven't been able to find him. As the usually I go into the Great Hall to eat, or at least just to sit there so everyone knows I'm alive. "Hey Maddie, how have you been?" Hermione asks, looking a it concerned. "fine." I say rolling my eyes. "I'm sure she is going to stop soon.." Ron says stuffing his face in muffins. "Ron shut up. It's not going to stop." I say storming off.

I get ready for the day and head to Potions class and sit next to Ron, Harry, and Hermione. "I'm sorry Ron. I didn't mean to yell at you." I said on the verge of crying. "Hey, hey hey! It's alright." Ron says smiling. "I heard there is a rumor about a ball coming up!" Hermione says, changing the subject. "ugh great now Pansy is going to embarrass me in front of the ENTIRE school." I say putting my head down. "I'm pretty sure it's not going to be that bad!" Ron says a little too loud. "Mr. Weasley, shut your tiny little mouth or it's going to be a detention." Professor Snape says as he hits Ron in the head with a book. The three of us, Hermione, Harry, and me, all laugh while Ron rubs the back of his head.

After all my classes finished, I was starving so we headed into the Great Hall to pig out to dinner. "Everyone, may I have your attention?" Professor McGonagall asks, "This year, Hogwarts is going to be host the Yule Ball, and before anyone asks, yes this will be a dance." All the boys groan, while the girls squeal with excitement and I just sit there planning not to go. "I expect everyone to be there. If you aren't I will take 50 points from your house and give you weeks worth of detention." McGonagall adds. I just think to myself, 50 points yikes that's a lot, but a weeks worth of detention, I don't mind.

As we head back to our dorms everyone has already started to ask people to be their dates. "Hey Maddie, has anyone asked you yet?" Hermione asks. "No, it's barely been 10 minutes, what about you" I ask her. "Yea I'm going with Ron!" she says excitedly. "What about Harry?" I ask her. "Oh.. he is going with Cho Chang.." she tells me. "well I don't think I'm going to go, I mean the consequences are too bad." I tell her and walk off.

Fast forward a couple of weeks, it's two days before the ball and nobody has asked me yet, but I get up everyday and head to the Great Hall to eat with the Golden Trio. "So Maddie, has anyone asked you to the ball?" Harry asks. "Take a guess."I tell them. "Don't worry Maddie, someone is going to ask you soon." Ron says. "Ya I heard someone talk about asking you." Hermione says. "Yea they talk about it, doesn't mean they are going to ask me." I tell them as I get up and walk outside. "AWE of course!" I hear from behind me and I see it's Draco and Pansy are hugging and I start to cry. I don't see where I was going and I ran straight into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean too." I say and look up to see Cedric. "Oh, it's ok. I was actually looking for you." he says. "You looking for me! WHY?" I say still crying. "Um I was going to ask you to the ball?" he asks. "really? of course! thank you!" I say and give him a little hug. "Ok and why are you crying?" he asks hugging me back. "Oh um there is this guy that I kinda liked and I thought he liked me back, but obviously not and he asked someone else." I say crying even harder. "Hey it's ok. He doesn't know what he is missing out on." he says, "meet me at the quidditch field." he says. "Ok" I say and run off to find Hermione.

"HERMIONE!" I yell. "what Maddie? I'm trying to read." she tells me. "Well stop! Someone asked me!" I say excitedly. "Oh my I'm so happy for you! Was it Neville?" she asks me. "No, it was Cedric." I tell her doing a little happy dance. "Well I better get going so you can read." I tell her and she waved and said good bye and I headed back to my room to change into a cute dress and go to the quidditch field to meet Cedric. "Hello?" I asked. "Maddie! Over here." Cedric says standing in the middle of the field. "Since I didn't get to ask you properly. Will you go to the ball with me?" he asks. "Of course!" I say excitedly and give him a big hug. He walks me back to my dorm and when I walk in I see Draco and Pansy, but Draco doesn't look happy. I run into my room and think about Cedric and Draco. Then I think back to Draco's party and it hit me. He wasn't looking at me when he said he like someone, that girl was behind me. HE WAS TALKING ABOUT PANSY! I start baling my eyes out and I run out of my room. "Maddie? where are you going and why are you crying?" Draco asks. "I'm fine. I'm going to see Hermione." I tell him darting him in the eyes. "Why are you all dressed up?" he asks looking me up and down. "no reason. Why do you care?" I ask. "I was just asking." he tells me in an upset tone. "Well you don't have to worry about me, don't you have to worry about your little girlfriend." I say crying even harder. "Maddie let me explain.." he says walking over to me. "EXPLAIN WHAT?! IF YOU ARE HAPPY WITH PUG FACE THEN I'M HAPPY!" I yell at him walking away from him

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