(Ep 8) The "Date"

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It was Saturday morning. "Draco, get up we have detention at Snape's" I give him little nudges. "ugh...give me more time." he pulls me back, making it almost impossible to stand up. "Just remember, after detention we are going to hangout." I move his arms out of the way, dragging him off the couch. "fine I'm up..." he yawns and starts walking to his room. I do the same, walk to my room to get ready. I put on one of Draco's hoodies with a pair of shorts, and white converse. I fixed my hair and makeup and went downstairs to my surprise, Draco was ready to go before me. He grabs my hand and we walk to Snape's classroom.

"Good morning students..." Snape glares at us as we take our seats. "Today you will be preparing the work for my classes." Snape says as he instructs us on what to do. Hours have gone by, but we didn't get done until 1 o'clock. "Professor Snape, may I have a word with you?" McGonagall peeps her head in the door frame of the classroom. "Yes. Students I expect you to continue to work or else I will keep you longer than intended." Snape walks out of the classroom. Draco and I continue to work, but we make it a bit more fun, like we started to talk, and before we knew it we were all done. Snape comes walking in the room. "Alright students, looks like you've completed the assignment, so you may leave." Snape says. We pack our things and head back to the common room. "Hey Maddie, get ready." Draco smirks, pointing at me. "Well you finally remembered something. I'm so proud!" I sarcastically clap, while laughing till it hurts.

I headed to my room to put on a nice emerald green silky dress, changing my shoes to green checkered vans, fixed my hair and my makeup. I put on perfume and walked out the door. "Hey Maddie...." Draco whispers hiding in the hallway. "Draco you look like an idiot, what are you doing?" I ask him plopping on the couch. "I need help with my tie.." he looks embarrassed. "Silly goose, come over here, I'll help." I motion him to come and he sat besides me. I help him fix his tie and his hair. "You ready to go?" he asks me. "Yes, I've been waiting on you, slow poke." Before he got the chance to stand up, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door. I had my eyes on him the entire way to the car. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."  he smirks. "I can't, my phone is dead." I look him up and down. "Well I mean you look hot, so maybe later." I say as he opens the door for me and I get in. 

He planned for us to go to this fancy little amusement park. "Which ride shall we go on first?" I ask looking around at all the rides. "We'll start from the back and work our way forward. Sound good?" he grabs my hand and we start walking. Once we were riding all the rides I had to go to the bathroom and when I came out, I saw Draco with a little bear. "I won this for you." he tells me, handing me the bear. "I- before you give it to me, make sure it smells like you." I take the bear as we both burst out laughing. "But like I"m serious, make it smell like you." I tell him smiling. We went into the gift shop and I saw him eyeing somethings, so I got him his favorite candy and a bear as well. "Can you make the bear smell like you?" he looks at me smiling. "Sure, of course I will." I tell him. We get back into the car to head to dinner. 

"Table for 2 please." Draco tells the hostess. We waited in line for a little bit, I leaned on Draco and he put his arm around me. I was getting kind of cold, so this made me feel better. "Right this way." the hostess said, and we followed to a table in the corner, where there was no one around... "How was this.. whatever you call it?" he looks at me grabbing my hands. "Well its..amazing. I don't think I could spend my Saturday doing anything better." I squeeze his hands a little tighter. After we ate our dinner Draco took me to get ice cream, but I payed for it because I felt bad. "Hey I was supposed to pay." he looked upset. "I should make you mad more often. You're really cute when you are mad." I give him a smile and he blushed. After we were done we headed back to Hogwarts to spend out last week at school before summer break.

We walked into the common room together and I told him to make the bear smell like him, and he told me the same, so I went up to my room to change into pj's, but all I could find was one of Draco's shirts, so I made the bear smell like me and headed down stairs to give it to him. "Sorry this was the only thing that looked comfy." I tell him, laying down close to him. "Don't be, it looks better on you than me." he gives me a little wink. "I highly doubt that hottie, but ok." He stands up and reaches his hand out. "What are you planning on doing?" I ask him, giving my hand to his. "Let's dance." he says and piano music starts playing. We sway to the music for a while and then we laid on the couch. I was getting sleepy, so Draco took me up to my bed. "Wait...don't leave." I tell him reaching my arm out to him. He comes and lays down with me and hums. "Thank you Maddie. I had a great time." he hugs me tighter and kisses my forehead. "I had a great time too, but the best part was spending time with you." I kiss him on the cheek. "Goodnight Draco." I fall asleep. "Goodnight love.." he falls asleep leaning his head against mine, and cuddled next to me.

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