(Ep 14) The Meeting

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"It's time..." Voldemort laughs his evil laugh while Bellatrix cheered and they got into bed and fell asleep, excited for the next day.


I woke up rather earlier than usual and I headed downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning Maddie." Lucius greeted me as I was getting a bowl. "Good morning, both of you." I see Lucius sit next to my father. I pour some cereal in and sit down at the table. I quickly eat my breakfast once I noticed both, my father and Lucius, giving me creepy little smiles. I darted for the stairs, before my father yelled in a quite voice, so he didn't wake the others. "Maddie, we need to have a word with you." I walk back to the table and stand next to my father. "Yes father?" I look him in the eyes. "Today I will be hosting this little get together, and you will be joining us." he stares me down as I nod in fear. "Ok.." I felt as if I had no choice to this. I walked away as quickly as I could to Draco's room. 


I peeked in his room to make sure he was in there and laid on his bed. "Maddie?" he slowly opens his eyes and scoots over to make room on his bed. "Hey go back to sleep, sorry to wake you." I lay next to him, cuddling him, and slowly fall back asleep. A few hours later I woke up and Draco wasn't there, so I stayed in his bed, wrapping up in his sheets, cuddling Slythers. "Good morning my Jewel." Draco comes walking out of his bathroom, in sweatpants, drying off his hair. I look him up and down and start blushing. "Like what you see?" Draco does a little 360 spin. "Yes I do gorgeous." I get up and give him a hug and he pushes me back on the bed. I scoot over for him to lay down and we watch TV. I get cuddled next to him and as we watch the film, we laugh so hard our stomachs hurt.

"Maddie!" I hear my name being called. I get up from Draco's bed and wait for him to put on a shirt, so we can walk down together. "Yes father?" I walk up to him, holding Draco's hand. "It's time to get ready." I nod and quickly run back up the stairs to my room, Draco following me. "What am I going to wear?" I ask Draco, who is sitting on my bed. "Mm, black. Your father likes that color." he says watching me look through my closet. I hold up two dresses and ask for his opinion. "I like that one." he points to one of the dresses and I put the other one back. I kick Draco out so I can change.

I walk down the stairs, tripping over my long sleeves

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I walk down the stairs, tripping over my long sleeves. "You look gorgeous dear." my mother comes up to me, with her ratted hair as usual, and squeezes me tight. She holds my hand and helps me walk to the living room. "Stay here, it's only going to be a minute." she runs off to sit next to my father. 


"Today, we have a new member joining us. I will like to introduce my daughter, Maddie Riddle." he motions for me to walk over. "Darling, come here." I walk next to him, nervously, and stand there next to him. "Please hold out your left arm." he holds up his wand and I stick out my arm. He puts this mark on me, it burns, he makes me say this little oath and dismisses me. I walk over to an empty seat next to Draco. As I am walking, everyone at the table is clapping and cheering. I look at Draco, who seemed to be shocked or confused, and gave him a little nervous smile. "Ok your tasks for this month are.." my father starts reading off the tasks that he has these people do. "Maddie, you have to find the elders wand. Take it from whoever has it." he looks at me grinning. "Draco, you help her." he continues to read off his list. He gets to my mother and Narcissa. "You two are going to go to Borgin and Burkes, I need the vanishing cabinet." they both nod in agreement silently.  "As for you Lucius, you will go to Hogwarts and get information on Dumbledore's army." Lucius nodes, grabbing his walking stick and smiles. "You all may leave, leave at once." my father points his want at everyone as they leave.

"Welcome my daughter, to the Death Eaters." both my mother and father have jazz hands, cheer, and dance around. I give them smile. I thought about what people said about them, I was frighten even more than before. Draco comes up to me from behind and holds my hand. "It's going to be ok my Jewel, I won't let anything happen to you." he whispers in my ear. I nod a quite, little nod. He walks upstairs, still holding my hand, I follow him to his room. He sits me on his bed. I start crying, it was burning. I saw Draco, out of the corner of my eye, he was grabbing his arm, where the mark is. I walk over to him still crying, and give him a big hug. "I love you Draco." he hugs me back, wiping my tears. I look at him and wipe his tears that are slowly rolling down his face. "I won't let anyone hurt you..." I say, slowly falling asleep on Draco's shoulder.


I hear someone slam the door open. "DRACO!" I open my eyes to the sight of his father, Lucius, running in. "Yes father?" Draco asks, quickly sitting up.  His father looks at him, scaring Draco in a sense. "Just making sure where you were..." He leaves quickly and shuts the door again. "Are you ok?" I ask Draco, looking at him, with a soft smile. "Yea, I'm ok." he looks back at me and gives me a kiss.

We go back downstairs together, holding hands, ready to eat dinner. "Hello children, tonight it's just going to be you two." my mother walks towards the door with my father and Draco's parents. "Oh, well have fun." I walk over and give her a big hug. 

"So it's just going to be us tonight." Draco looks at me and smirks. "yea...what are we going to eat?" I ask looking in the fridge and the cupboard. "I- wait. I don't know?" he looks at me confused. "There's mac 'n' cheese, pizza.." I continue to look through the cupboard. "MAC 'N' CHEESE!!" Draco screamed excitedly. I start to burst out laughing. "Ok!" I continue to laugh and throw the box of mac 'n' cheese at Draco. I start making it, Draco just annoys me and pokes my shoulders and stomach.  "OMG DRACO STOP!" he doesn't stop poking me. As the water is boiling, when Draco isn't paying attention, I jump on his back. "What are you doing silly?" he looks behind him, looking at me. "Getting you to stop poking me." I see him smiling and he walks back to the noodles. I continue to make our dinner, while I'm still on Draco's back. "Ok dinner is ready." I tell him, he sets me down and I grab bowls and forks and spoon the mac 'n' cheese into the bowls. "Here you go." I hand Draco one of the bowls and we sit next to each other and eat out dinner. 

After dinner, went into the living room and cuddled on the couch. "What movie do you want to watch?" Draco looks over and hands me the remote. "Uh...I have no clue." I pass the remote back to him. "Uh...same." he looks at me in confusion. "Oh wait I know." I grab the remote and turn on a scary movie, Truth or Dare. 

We were watching the movies and I got scared, so I put my face in Draco's chest. "Do you want to change the movie?" he asks me, with my head still buried in his chest, I nod yes. He puts on After and I look at Draco smiling.

The movie finished and we stayed on the couch. I heard the door open, but I didn't move, I was so tired. "Goodnight kids." I heard someone shout, then I heard people walking upstairs. I slowly fell asleep on Draco. "I love you bubs..." I close my eyes. "I love you my Jewel.." I fall asleep to his heartbeat.

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