♕𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚙 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍 ♕

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"Why are you listening to MY messages"
todoroki." you said your voice slightly raising, "does he treat you like that all the time?" he asked his face void of emotion. he heard he fucking heard "FUCK SHOTO" you yelled as you kicked your sofa, "y/n answer my question," he said as he slowly approached you, "no no no YOU answer MY QUESTION ICY HOT WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SNOOP THROUGH THE BUSINESS PHONE I COULD CARELESS IF IT WAS MINE BUT THAT ONE REALLY" you screamed as your eyes held deep pain and hatred. "who sent you" you murmured shadows casting your eyes, "I wasn't sent my anybody-" he said before you interrupted. "I SAID WHO" you yelled your quirk flaring up slightly melting the counter beside you, "get out" you hissed as you opened the door. "y/n I wasn't sent by anyone please just listen," he said as he tried touching your shoulder, "it's l/n to you and don't fucking touch me" you growled as you slammed the door his shocked face the last thing you saw, "why do you care so much," he said as he raised his voice a little bit, you already struggled with some underlying anger problems and with this comment you boiled over the edge. you whipped the door open and screamed hot tears coming down your face, "CAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY REASON HE TALKS TO ME EACH TIME I HAVE TO TRY AND REMEMBER WHAT MY DAD LOOKS AND FUCKING SOUND LIKE, YEAH HE HATES MY GUTS WISH I WAS NEVER BORN BUT HES STILL THE ONLY FORM OF VALIDATION I CAN EVER GET IN THIS SHITTY WORLD. ITS CAMERA FLASH THIS AND OH HOW GOOD YOUR DAD IS THAT NO ONE EVER WANTED TO ASK HEY L/N HOWS THE CRIPPLING SURGE OF SELF HATE YOU FUCKING GET HOWS YOUR VIBE METER OH YEAH I FORGOT ITS FUCKING ON THE BOTTOM IN HELL" you screamed your body racking with sobs as you collapsed in your door. Shotos face was one of shock and pity as he enveloped you in a hug, "god i'm like the rest of gen z over sharing there daddy issues" you sniffled as you pushed your head further down in shotos neck his sweet cologne almost calming you, "can we get a puppy and be a puppy family" you mumbled as you where still face down in his neck. "where not even married yet" he laughed as he rubbed circles on your back, "can we get married then" you chuckled as you felt his face burn at your comment, "what your laughs hot and like woah your hair" you giggled as his face got even hotter, "calm down don't go flaring up on me" you chuckled as you got up, "so where just gonna ignore the mental breakdown you had" "no shoto todoroki it's on pause because of puppies" you corrected as you ran off to get money and your keys, "where taking daddy nathan i refuse to walk" you said as you hauled the confused male over your shoulder parading to your private garage, "you're riding in the back keep your hands around my waist and be a good boy for me okay" you winked as his face flushed, "okay let's get on the roaddds" you cheered. you where now riding through the city the cold wind slapped your face leaving stinging sensations bouncing across your face, "Y/N WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING" shoto yelled from the back gripping on your somehow very toned waist for dear life after you almost ran over a kid, "WHAT DID YOU SAY? GO FASTER OKAY" you snickered as you heard his yelps and screams of no before you went even faster now the city becoming a flying blur of color and lights and shoto screams bouncing off your helmet. "IM ABOUT TO YOLO IT" "NO STOP I SEE THE PET STORE" "WAIT WHATTA" you yelled as you screeched to a stop your hair sticking up on your head and your flower crop top slightly crooked. "oops don't wanna tit slip" "w h a t"  (outfit above) "Woah who's that icy hot bitch over there he's not passing my vibe meter," you said as you made fake binoculars pointing at shoto, "who are you again" he smirked as he walked inside, "god damn your smirk is hot" you whistled behind me as he told you to shut up. You walked ever so slowly to the back taking in all the dogs around you or mainly dogs that the insta bitches always wore like a hang bag  with the dried eyes and zooted face before your gaze landed on a huge and when I say huge I mean he probably had a titan slong under there cane Corso. "SHOTO LOOKIEEEE HES SO CUTE," you said literal stars in your eyes as you looked at the intimidating dog with love and care. "that thing can probably fucking kill you" "I'm naming him Mr woofers," you said blatantly as you scratched his ears his tail wagging underneath him, "he also looked lonely, I mean he's in Spain without the s" "say a tiktok quote one more time and I'm leaving your ass" "sorry shot babe" you snorted as his face burst out in red. "HAHAHA YOUR FACE also gimme the doggie pleaseeee" you begged giving your best puppy dog eyes along with sliding him a little money 😏. "I know you're not trying to fucking bribe me with monopoly money to get you an 800 dollar dog" he laughed as he looked at the orange and blue money in your hand, "UGH IT WAS MY BEST SHOT ASSHOLE" you grunted as you picked up the dog giving him little pecks on the nose while calling him Mr woofy. for some reason, shoto didn't know why but when he saw you smothering the dog in kisses and cooing at it, his heart made a small flutter, and his cheeks going a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks. "I'll get it..." he mumbled handing money to the cashier while you squealed in delight hopping around like a child grabbing random toys and leashes. "THANK THANK THANK YOUUUU," you said as you launched yourself off the ground giggling with delight. and then you did something you didn't even know you would do, you stood on your tippy-toes and kissed him on the cheek. his head BLEW into red as you had a look of morbid fear. "um gotta blast COME ON MR WOOFERS Y/N JUST DID A SIMP ACTIVITY" you yelled as you picked up the dog like a baby leaving the red boy standing in shock in a pet store, "dead ass?" was all he mumbled as he looked at the place you once stood holding his hand to his cheek your warmth still lingering, and deep in him he wished you stayed like that a little longer. you however were at home throwing yourself off the stairs, "I SACRIFICED MY LIFE FOR PAKISTAN BUT HAD TO RUN AWAY AS PUNISHMENT IM JUMPING JARVIS IM SORRY BUT YOU CANT STOP ME" you cried out as you stood on the top of your staircase. "miss l/n please jump"  Jarvis said as he started playing I'm free. "fuck you, Jarvis, on god" you said as you tried stepping back only to slip and fall. "WAIT FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT SHIT I DIDN'T MEAN IT HELP" you yelled as you hit the floor hearing your bones crack and your face to erupt in ripples of pain. "JARVIS CALL 911 I THINK I BROKE MY FUCKING LEGS" you yelled as a 911 operator soon answered your call, " ma'am what's the matter" the kind woman of a voice spoke through the speaker, "okay so hot voice number one but um I jumped off my staircase cause I had a mental breakdown cause I simped but then I actually jumped and now I think my legs are broken please send an ambulance I'm in pain bruh," you said as you groaned trying to roll over. "um- ma'am okay I'll send one immediately please just wait" "fuck simps" "ma'am... why did you jump again?" "funny story i actually slipped off but same thing"

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