♕𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘𝚜 𝚊 𝚌𝚞𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚐♕

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"GOOD MORNING WORLD I HAVE A BOYFRIEND" you cheered as you stretched out your arms in your plus size walrus blanket. you looked around wondering where shoto might be but realized after you hugged for eons and told the group where you may have burned katsuki a little he wanted to go and tell his siblings so you could come for dinner. "WAIT DINNER... FUCK" you yelled as Jarvis woke up to try and console you, "miss l/n you come from one of the richest family's in japan a mere dinner is no feat for you, your a business woman just act like one," it said while also pulling up the tasks you need to do based on the fact the sports festival is tomorrow, "okay so dads commercials and training... wow," you said amazed on how clear your schedule is, "Jarvis for once I want you to call for a car and please find me a decent outfit to wear for this shoot so I don't embarrass myself" you whined as you got up marching to the phone to call your dad about the deal, you knew you were all talk with your dad no outside things he cared for, BRING BRING BRING..." hello y/n what is this about" a cold icy voice rang out on the other line, you bit your tounge keeping yourself from exploding with happiness, he used my first name you thought normally he addressed you as l/n or miss. you easily gained your composure taking a deep breath, "hello father I'm here to tell you I will be arriving at your Japanese branch for the commercial you wanted to shoot is there anything else you want to be included other than the models?" you asked in your most professional voice no hint of emotion leaking through, "no that is all, call me when the shoot is over and y/n win or else" he said a perfect blend of professional and venom leaking through his voice at the last part, "oh father you didn't raise a second-place brat" you smiled as you hung up the phone before giddy jumping around your apartment. "HE CALLED ME BY MY FIRST NAME AND BASICALLY SAID GOOD LUCK WOOO" you squealed dashing over your sofa before ever so elegantly face planting, "y/n... what's going on," a slightly amused voice said from your doorway. "SHO SHO SHO SHO" you yelled dashing and jumping up in his arms, "why are you so happy all of a sudden?" he questioned cocking a brow, "MY DAD CALLED ME BY MY FIRST NAME AND SAID WIN OR ELSE TRANSLATION.... GOOD LUCK" you squealed feeling like you where on cloud nine, "y/n... what has he called you before" shoto said concern evident in his voice making you twiddle your fingers, "ugh l/n or miss heh i also have a commercial to shoot though so COME WITH PLEASEEE" you begged trying hard to change the subject. "won't we get flocked by the media?" he asked remembering how the only time he saw you fully serious was telling him to keep the relationship down low in public eyes because she's hated by a lot of people and didn't want that hate transferee to him. "fuck it"'you said grabbing a lollipop and swirling it in your mouth. "okay okay just let me get proper clothes on" he sighed as he made his way to your closet that some of his clothes resided in, "aslooooo are you gonna spend the night" you cooed wrapping your arms around his neck while resting your head on his shoulder, the sweet smell of lavender and lemons wafted to your nose from his hair tickling it, "sure but you have dinner with my family tonight" he reminded as he finally got the shirt he wanted and you reluctantly pulled away to go to the kitchen so you could eat more than the grape-flavored lollipop. "SHOOO we gotta leave in 10 minutes the cars almost here" you yelled from the downstairs as you successfully threw on your heels accompanied with black pants and a white button-down throwing on your dad's company trench coat. at the same time shoto had also come down with white jeans a whole tux with a light blue button-down underneath, "damn shorty you clean up nice" you said making f boy faces before laughing at how funny you are. "uh y/n the cars outside" he said pointing to the limo who would be taking you to your father's Japanese branch. "OOO LETS GO I NEED INSTA PICTURES ILL GET THEM WHEN WE GET BACK WE GOTTA GO" you yelled grabbing shotos hand and pulling him down to the car a old man this time was your driver instead of Jarvis. you've seen him once or twice driving your dad places when you where a kid still in America. "hey you know where you're taking us right?" you asked as he simply nodded giving a curt grunt before starting the car, you pulled up the divider almost instantly liking your privacy almost like your father, "so sho what your dad like and don't worry this whole cab is sound proof nothing can be heard from up there" you said pointing towards the driver section, "he's a scumbag who made my mom hate me.. i was trained at the start of five non stop. my mom would always comfort me but one day she called my left  unbearable and poured boiling water on my face making this scar i haven't seen her since.. he's the reason i refuse to use my left and why i don't have a mom" he hissed anger and hate with a ping of sadness spilling from every word . "well shoto i think your scar is beautiful it brings out your pretty eyes.. those where the first words i said to you right?" you smiled as you brushed your hand over his scar, "really.. you don't think it's ugly" he mumbled. "now why would i think this" you said as you pecked his scar your warm lips leaving a warm sensation spread through him, "is ugly" you resumed pushing back his hair a sweet smile present on your face, "i would have to get held at gunpoint with you behind me to even think about it" you laughed. he quickly pecked you on the lips making you flush a little before the driver knocked on the window alerting you that he had arrived.  "oh where here come on sho we gotta get goinnn" you cheered as you hopped out the car thanking your driver before looking at the huge building in front of you. full of good and bad memories circulating through you, "you ready sho? to basically meet my dads treasure" you winked.

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